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Old Sweater  
#1 Posted : Friday, May 31, 2019 2:39:11 AM(UTC)
Old Sweater

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Wow how ill demand myself to give you some unknown history that very very few know. That may or may not enlightin your belief of the term ROTN...

When the TD at Pitcher's decided to hold an event called, "The ruler of the north series" he called me to ask me for my permission to useing my ROTN name to give the hype to attract players for the event. Since everybody knew at the time that I was Pitcher's Dominant player throughout that year. Cameron Cross went on to mention that it was not an event with the intentions of anyone winning the 10 week series could claim the title name of ROTN, but rather have bragging rights, because he knew the title ROTN meant dominance throughout years and not by someone winning 1 event series of tournaments to claim my title ROTN. I agreed to the use of the ROTN title name under two condition's.. (1) That anyone that wins it can not claim the title. &2) All and every bracket drawn up would be done in front of me, or someone else, to insure fare draw up in the brackets.

The event started in mid September around there. And in the first week I took singles and doubles. And into the fifth week I was clearly the top point holder halfway into the series and just 5 weeks to go. Now during the ninth week I held 22 points above all players, Now Pimp held the next highest points. I knew by the ninth week that there was no way any player could surpass my points standing at 22 points above all others. I could have not showed up for the last four weeks and still be in the lead above all who played.

After the ninth week events were done. Cameron makes an announcement that there will be a singles final event on the 11th week containing the top 6 players of the event. Im thinking like WHAT! WHY wasn't this mentioned way before now. And in just one week to go to finish the 10th week. But now, here we have
an added week to what was only to be 10 weeks of events. NOW WHY WAS THAT. My reason of belief for the added week, was a last ditch effert to keep me from taking the ROTN event. Because on the 10th week I was in the lead with 27 points difference from Pimp.. I took first in singles 7 out of ten weeks, and doubles was the same 7 wins in 10 weeks. And I sat in king seat in the final singles event. The Rose took out The Pimp. And Rose won on meat nut against me.

So now check this. You and others claim that the Rose is the true ruler of the north because he happened to win the final singles event once, that took me years of dominating force against all that ventured in the north. Just to have anyone player claim the title ROTN in just one final singles event..

But here is why I lol.. That same Rose since that day he beat me. Has met me across the table 7 times since then. And he has lost all 7 matches against me.

So if one can claim he is the true ROTN by beating me once. Then I can reclaim the title back in my pocket. Because to be frankly honest. I FUCKING OWN HIM.
And second, Pimp had more points than THE ROSE.

And as what my named title ROTN represents. I dominated in more wins than any player in the house after the 10th week. Winning 14 first places total. Not one other player came close to that count in wins. If the winner was decided by the points like it was intended to be. Then I clinched the win of the R.O.T.N. event by the sixth week free and clear.


So if you beleave The Rose is the ROTN by beating me once. Then I guess that means that since I have beaten world class TITLE HOLDERS with a slam dunk
victory win. Then according to you and others I own their world pro titles in my front pocket...

Old Sweater  
#2 Posted : Friday, May 31, 2019 2:50:05 AM(UTC)
Old Sweater

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Clique may own Jedi hate and spite but Jedi owns the numbers. He won 14 out of 20 events before that tail end loaded final that had nothing to do with the previous 10 weeks.
#3 Posted : Sunday, June 2, 2019 10:50:47 PM(UTC)

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Old Sweater  
#4 Posted : Monday, June 3, 2019 10:08:51 PM(UTC)
Old Sweater

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#5 Posted : Tuesday, June 4, 2019 1:47:31 AM(UTC)

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#6 Posted : Tuesday, June 4, 2019 1:49:05 AM(UTC)

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You did win a lot but when it came time for the big big money I heard it a dif way.

All good though your game is nasty!

Old Sweater  
#7 Posted : Tuesday, June 4, 2019 8:09:28 AM(UTC)
Old Sweater

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This is Walter, not Jedi. I just found an old post of his concerning that bogus ROTN Tourney. Plus, that title is mine to give. I was the originator of ROTN.
#8 Posted : Tuesday, June 4, 2019 12:05:54 PM(UTC)

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Sweater when this went down I remember my good buddy Big City beating Jedi in these tourneys. "Darren chime in and tell everyone how this went down."

Sweater if you can stop by the balloon inn thus Thursday

Old Sweater  
#9 Posted : Tuesday, June 4, 2019 1:12:44 PM(UTC)
Old Sweater

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City didn’t attend enough to win the pts race. And like I keep saying, how can anyone give my title away? Especially with an end loaded bogus tournament? At the time it would be like someone beating Jake Drummond once, then calling him the Ruler of Pueblo.

I don’t drive at night anymore. Can’t with my fucked up right eye.
#10 Posted : Tuesday, June 4, 2019 4:44:32 PM(UTC)

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man im sure Darren Rose and Big City seen it different.

Points there was no mention of this in the older threads?


Old Sweater  
#11 Posted : Tuesday, June 4, 2019 5:18:22 PM(UTC)
Old Sweater

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Originally Posted by: Thunder Go to Quoted Post
man im sure Darren Rose and Big City seen it different.

Points there was no mention of this in the older threads?


haha, well of course they seen it different. The 1st post in this thread describes what went on. It was suppose to be a 10 week pts race but then Cam counted the 10 weeks as a qualifier and put all point value into 1 tournament. Before the 11th week Jedi had won 14 of 20 events. Jedi dominated. It is also what I remember but if that don’t matter to you ask Pimp what went on. Pimp was 2nd in pts behind Jedi.
Old Sweater  
#12 Posted : Tuesday, June 4, 2019 5:30:56 PM(UTC)
Old Sweater

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Also while I’m at it, the ROTN Ruler of the North is my title to give. Any other ROTN title is a Mock Phony Title.

My criteria for ROTN was years of domination, living up North(a Ruler lives in his Kingdom) right?

Cams Criteria: 1 tournament

^^^ which criteria is harder?

BTW: Horse of the North is my title too. It also belongs to the Jedi. Same criteria.
#13 Posted : Tuesday, June 4, 2019 11:55:49 PM(UTC)

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Give that title to Jedi but when City and rose drove up to play they won several times and the main tourneys dedicated to this title.


Edited by user Wednesday, June 5, 2019 12:07:11 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#14 Posted : Friday, June 7, 2019 1:21:56 AM(UTC)

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Miller, you are the reason Cameron quit running tournaments. He got tired of you being your typical shitty selfish self and making a scene every week. The bar owner wanted to kick you out for good. But Cam, every week, talked him out of it. Seriously, you talk about everybody else not remembering the truth? Take a look in the mirror dude. Your ego is so out of control that you only remember what you want to remember, and rarely the truth. Which from what I have read on here, less than maybe 25% of what you say is the truth.
You talk shit about the jam sessions that were held up here in the North, like you came over and rolled heads? Dude, there are 8 people up here that can confirm that you spent more time waiting for your turn to play and eating everybody else's food than you did on the table. Shut up.

Baller called it out right. When the big boys come to town, you are either a no show, or get your ass handed to you. It is not impressive to win a points race that gives out participation points, especially when you are the ONLY person that shows up every week. When the major tournaments come around, the real players step up and win titles. You, flake out and fall in the middle of the pack. Where you belong. Hell, you cannot even win Senior singles, and you are the Queen of 16 person brackets!

I am the ROTN.

That was easy to claim.

A points race means nothing if the main prize is not won. Which you did not do. No professional sport in the world gives the title to the person, or team, with the best record/most points, if they did not win the title game.
You did not win the tournament when it mattered most, so you did not win the ROTN title. Plain and simple.

Rambo out-
ROTN Colorado Oracle Jedi Masters Master
Old Sweater  
#15 Posted : Friday, June 7, 2019 9:57:01 PM(UTC)
Old Sweater

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Man Matt! That is a lot of pinned up Jedi hate coming out! Jedi hasn’t been on the board for months now. I just posted an old 2013 post Jedi made that coincides with what I remembered went on. Jedi dominated winning 14 of 20 events and Pimp was making it there most of the time. In one TSK Pt Race Jedi was there 2 more times than Ditto. I believe Ditto was still ranked Pro then. The most recent point race that RayGun Promotions ran, Mark Jr like Jedi was there 14 out of the 16 weeks. When Mark Jr wasn’t there, there was the likes of Madej and Ditto. Mark Jr if he beat Jedi in the last weeks would have won the pt race but Jedi came out on top. A lot of you guys crack me up saying Jedi hasn’t won no majors but you’re crowing like Banty Roosters about a rigged Mock ROTN Title. LoL ROTN is my title. I am the originator of ROTN. I am like the Home Plate Ump when it comes to the ROTN Title. Only my call matters. As far as Senior Singles goes, Jedi took 2nd behind Pro Master Scherkenbach. Jedi beat him 1st set but couldn’t complete the dip. There was 34 players, not 16, but numbers don’t really matter when there is Scherkenbach.
Old Sweater  
#16 Posted : Friday, June 7, 2019 10:08:24 PM(UTC)
Old Sweater

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Or was that RayGun pt race 20 weeks? Anyways, Jedi & Mark Jr missed a couple each. Really is a moot point since everyone can enter every week.
#17 Posted : Friday, June 7, 2019 11:08:15 PM(UTC)

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That original post was signed Jedi so please clarify who's posting what.

Old Sweater  
#18 Posted : Saturday, June 8, 2019 11:00:40 PM(UTC)
Old Sweater

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Originally Posted by: Thunder Go to Quoted Post
That original post was signed Jedi so please clarify who's posting what.


I thought “Old Sweater” was clarifying things. Been a good half year since the Jedi posted using my account.
Old Sweater  
#19 Posted : Saturday, June 8, 2019 11:06:06 PM(UTC)
Old Sweater

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Originally Posted by: Old Sweater Go to Quoted Post


Clique may own Jedi hate and spite but Jedi owns the numbers. He won 14 out of 20 events before that tail end loaded final that had nothing to do with the previous 10 weeks.

Plus post #2 in the thread should have clarified that I was posting when I showed the images of the Jedi posts I copy & pasted.

Edited by user Saturday, June 8, 2019 11:07:19 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#20 Posted : Tuesday, June 18, 2019 12:13:15 AM(UTC)

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Hate is a powerful word, Walter. I do not "hate" or have hateful feelings towards Miller. He is just not a decent human being, that is all. He has burned a lot of bridges over his years. All of which have nothing to do with foosball, but who he is as an individual. He walks around like the world owes him something, and gives nothing back in return.

How much time have you actually spent around Miller, Walter?

The post was signed -Jedi. I was merely defending someone, who is not on here to defend themselves, who put in a lot of effort to run a tournament for people to enjoy. As did myself. I was there every week cleaning tables and helping Cam run that tournament.

Rigged tournament? Now that is "LOL". Please, Walter, enlighten us all on how you think that tournament was rigged. Seriously, that is a bigger joke than the ROTN ownership.
Were you there every week to see the results, and how it was ran? Did you even know Cam? He did not care one bit about the ROTN title, he merely used it to promote the tournament and get people to show up. Rigged tournament, that gave me a good laugh, thank you for that.
You can throw around numbers and what ever other stats all you want. They mean nothing. Titles mean everything. You are a big sports fan. You know that more than anybody. The Boston Red Sox were not given the National Championship last season because they had the best record in the MLB. They were Champions because they beat the Dodgers in the WORLD SERIES TITLE SERIES!
Miller chokes when it comes down to crunch time. He does not win major tournaments because he doesn't have 16 weeks to figure someones game out. I think his antics on here are hilarious. The stuff he says cracks me up, it's great. If anything, I have sympathy for the guy. He makes life infinitely harder than it really is.

I can throw around the acronym ROTN just as much as you, or anybody can. It is nobody's to own. It's an acronym. Besides, how do you know what my interpretation of ROTN means?

Rambo Of The North, bitches.

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