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#1 Posted : Saturday, February 6, 2016 8:49:55 AM(UTC)

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Joined: 10/28/2013(UTC)
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16 teams

1 - CJ/Drew
2 - Bru/Sherm
3 - BJ / Boogie
4 - Cheez / Jedi

Thanks for coming out everyone!

In regards to recalls...

When you know you have a match...and the ENTIRE tournament is waiting for you - you're going to be on a short leash. End of story. There is no time clock. This is not worlds. Half the players there are just wanting to finish and go home so they can get to bed. Going out to smoke between every match when everyone is waiting on you is 100% disrespectful to all everyone, and completely selfish. RESPECT THE GAME AND THE PLAYERS THERE.

3 minutes - recall.
3 minutes - down one game.

If it's an ongoing problem, then those can change to the TD's discretion. There is no cigarette rule between every match.

We've already gone over this.

Sorry for the players who got recalled and lost a match. It's the same players...over and over. I tell you guys all the time on your way out to the parking lot, and it just goes in one ear and out the other.

Mark, you're done at this tourney. If you want to apologize to me personally - then you can come back in 3 months. If you want to get on here and talk more shit because you're mad, have at it, but feel free to never come back. I have no idea how you think it's okay to get physical just because you lost - honestly...I don't get it. That's not my world. It's not in me to hurt my friends, so congrats - you win. Either way....your actions are unacceptable. You are not welcome at the Bonfire BYP for the time being.


Edited by user Saturday, February 6, 2016 8:53:55 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

"When I get to the table, that person, I don't care who they are, they're my mortal enemy. I hate them. " - John Grizzly
brubaker jr  
#2 Posted : Saturday, February 6, 2016 9:54:12 AM(UTC)
brubaker jr

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Joined: 5/16/2015(UTC)
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Thanks for answering my question Scott. Sounds like I've got 6 minutes in between matches before I forfeit a game. I didn't push you because I lost a bogus match. I pushed you because your a punk bitch. Next time we have a confrontation, I will probably beat your ass.

Edited by user Saturday, February 6, 2016 9:59:25 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

brubaker jr  
#3 Posted : Saturday, February 6, 2016 9:58:31 AM(UTC)
brubaker jr

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Edited by user Saturday, February 6, 2016 10:02:43 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#4 Posted : Saturday, February 6, 2016 2:40:50 PM(UTC)

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Wow great job CJ and Drew. There were some tough teams last night. Impressive win.

The rest of the stuff, come on people, is this what foosball has become? I started getting edgy and chippy last year, took a break, and vowed to enjoy the game more, win or lose and respect ALL of my fellow foosers more. Laugh a lot more. You know what, foos has been more fun. If you are getting to the point where you resort to getting physical with your friends, jeez, you've got issues that need fixing. It's no fun staying angry. I still battle with it. Life is shorter than you think. Live it, love it, enjoy it! Come on now!
DJ Trash-O-Matic  
#5 Posted : Saturday, February 6, 2016 3:09:00 PM(UTC)
DJ Trash-O-Matic

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Nicely said Jim.

#6 Posted : Saturday, February 6, 2016 3:55:29 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: brubaker jr Go to Quoted Post
Thanks for answering my question Scott. Sounds like I've got 6 minutes in between matches before I forfeit a game. I didn't push you because I lost a bogus match. I pushed you because your a punk bitch. Next time we have a confrontation, I will probably beat your ass.

I figured that was going to be you're response - sorry you feel that way. I hope you take this time to think things, and you have my number if you ever want to talk.

#1 - You, Jim, CJ and Drew all went beyond 6 minutes. You were all put on recall, but I didn't go outside chasing anyone. Drew happened to be there when I was done waiting, and we flipped for the 1 game forfeit.

#2 - My post states I am not always going to wait 6 minutes. 6 minutes + 6 minutes + 6 minutes = 18 minutes + the extra time that you waste AT the table not even wrapped up. Everyone at the tournament had to be there an extra 30 minutes at LEAST just for you and Sherm. So no, it will not always be 6 minutes. When there is an entire ROOM of people slouched on chairs wanting you guys to be forfeited because there is no other match to be played, and you KNOW you're up - it's not always going to be 6 minutes. Tourney teams and conditions will dictate the recall rules. I was trying to explain this to you when you went left.

#3 - I see your side. Dude, I do. It's a fun night out, and you want to play foos and hang with your friends. I get it. But there are 30 other people in that room annoyed and pissed off at you, and I was hearing it non-stop from tons of foosers. I'm always shocked that not a single one of you ever apologizes to the rest of the room - you guys are completely selfish.

#4 - You absolutely have a right to state your case, just like CJ or Sherm would. Heck, you can even get mad at me - I get that too. But you under NO circumstances can you get physical with any fooser or customer - EVER. This is like...the one cardinal rule of a tourney! Our foos family will absolutely NOT tolerate that.

#5 - (This is my favorite lol) You had FOUR shots on the 3 bar to win that match vs. Drew and CJ, and send it into a second set. Jim was bricking the crap out of CJ, and blocked 3 or 4 meatballs to let you keep shooting on Drew. This entire situation could have been avoided if you just channeled your rage and scored one freaking ball. You were dominating that game, and didn't play smart on the 3 or call time out to figure out Drew's D. Instead of dealing with the loss, you needed to blame me and go this route.

#6 - After the match, and the payouts, you totally could have went up to CJ and Drew, and said:

"Hey man, I'm really sorry for making you guys wait, and playing rough. I can be an asshole with a temper, and I'm sorry. Would you guys be interested in finishing up the 2 sets without the forfeit? You guys can have the money if you want, but lets just see who the better team is."

You know what? They 100% would have agreed to that. Happy Ending.


Edited by user Saturday, February 6, 2016 4:53:33 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

"When I get to the table, that person, I don't care who they are, they're my mortal enemy. I hate them. " - John Grizzly
#7 Posted : Saturday, February 6, 2016 3:59:44 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: brubaker jr Go to Quoted Post
Next time we have a confrontation, I will probably beat your ass.

I'm going to ignore this comment because there is a good fooser, and good person somewhere in all that anger...and I hope in time you can realize this and give me a call.

That said - if you want to fight - we can absolutely go find Watson to lend us his gym's ring for a few rounds.

But I'm not scrapping in a parking lot lol...give me a break. I have a career...I'm applying for jobs...I can't be irresponsible.

You are a dominant player, and a big part of the scene here - it would be great if you realized setting a good example for the other foosers wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.


Edited by user Saturday, February 6, 2016 4:41:02 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

"When I get to the table, that person, I don't care who they are, they're my mortal enemy. I hate them. " - John Grizzly
brubaker jr  
#8 Posted : Saturday, February 6, 2016 6:26:41 PM(UTC)
brubaker jr

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Joined: 5/16/2015(UTC)
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As a smoker I need a few minutes between matches. As a competitor I need a few minutes between matches. A few minutes to clear my head from the previous match and prepare for the next. I'm not going to apologize to anyone for taking a few minutes. It's Bullshit that you can't nail down a lime limit between matches. I could give 2 shits if someones got to wait 5 minutes for me at the table. I need a break. As do all thw smokers. Give us a smoking time allotment between matches and we will abide by it. Dont just go around forfeiting people willy nilly because someone is cryig. As of now the recall process is that if anyone gets antsy weather its 1minute or 15 they cry to scott and the recall process begins. That's bullshit. Give us 5 minutes before starting the foreit process and keep everyone happy. And when it's down to 2 or 3 teams and we all take a smoke break fuck you for flipping a coin. You lost early. Leave the cash with someone and go home.
#9 Posted : Saturday, February 6, 2016 6:48:37 PM(UTC)

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You don't get a mandatory smoke break - or a clear your head break. Not when other matches are waiting to be played.

Foos matches come first, and everything else comes second. Most of us have families and obligations to deal with over the weekend. Boogie worked like 11 hours yesterday, and then had to get up early to work again today. The Springs people have to drive an hour and a half just to get to bed. You're messing up everyone else's real life schedule. Get out of here with your "I need time to smoke and clear my head" idea. lol

If smokers need a "smoking allotment" break...then just don't even bother to show up. Smoke on your own time, not ours.


Edited by user Saturday, February 6, 2016 6:59:00 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

"When I get to the table, that person, I don't care who they are, they're my mortal enemy. I hate them. " - John Grizzly
#10 Posted : Saturday, February 6, 2016 7:01:37 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: brubaker jr Go to Quoted Post
And when it's down to 2 or 3 teams and we all take a smoke break fuck you for flipping a coin. You lost early. Leave the cash with someone and go home.

lol - you do have a good point there. If you would have thought of it last night, and asked me - you totally could have done that. But you didn' we didn't. Sorry. I didn't think that Drew was out there with you guys, so I didn't make that connection.

If this scenario comes up for 4 smoking finalists again, please come see me, and I will be more than happy to let you guys take care of the payouts and play on your own time.


Edited by user Saturday, February 6, 2016 7:09:59 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

"When I get to the table, that person, I don't care who they are, they're my mortal enemy. I hate them. " - John Grizzly
brubaker jr  
#11 Posted : Saturday, February 6, 2016 8:59:31 PM(UTC)
brubaker jr

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On tour you get 10 minutes before the first recall. Then after several minutes you get another recall in which you get another several minutes until you forfeit a game. That's at least 15 minutes before your down a game. 10 minutes is pleanty of time to unwind from the previous match and prepare for the next match. I'm asking you for 5 minutes. It's unreasonable for you to dictate that everyone must immediately jump from one match into another. Even non smokers need a quick break between matches to pee or get another drink or sit for a few minutes. It's unreasonable to think that everyone wants to plat match after match in the loosers bracket with no micro breaks between matches. I like most people come to have a good time, party and play some foos get out of the house. Im not too concerned with the one player that has been working 17 hours straight and has to be up at 5 am to do it again. That player maybe should have stayed home and got some rest instead. The rest of us are here to foos and party.

brubaker jr  
#12 Posted : Saturday, February 6, 2016 9:08:37 PM(UTC)
brubaker jr

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Originally Posted by: FooserX Go to Quoted Post

1 - * CJ/Drew
2 - Bru/Sherm
3 - BJ / Boogie
4 - Cheez / Jedi


*Only takes one game to win a two out of three, tournament deciding match when Scott's incharge.

Edited by user Saturday, February 6, 2016 9:13:52 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#13 Posted : Saturday, February 6, 2016 10:29:07 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: brubaker jr Go to Quoted Post
On tour you get 10 minutes before the first recall. Then after several minutes you get another recall in which you get another several minutes until you forfeit a game. That's at least 15 minutes before your down a game. 10 minutes is pleanty of time to unwind from the previous match and prepare for the next match. I'm asking you for 5 minutes.

I've said this dozens of times: THIS IS NOT THE TOUR.

If I gave everyone 5 minutes, the tournament would not finish. PERIOD. Trust me, it won't. Tim has experienced this. Tommy and Sherri have experienced this. EVERY TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR knows this is true.

When you're on tour, and play a 3 out of 5 matches, you're playing 5 games in a row without a smoke break. You can play multiple matches in a row. Everyone else does.

When you have sessions at your house, you don't play 2 games, and then pause for 5 minutes to go smoke, and then play 2 games, and then take another 5 minute break. When I sesh, I go 1 - 3 hours of non-stop playing...sweat dripping down like a work out. I don't need to break to play foosball.

There are a lot of smokers who I don't have an issue with. Somehow they can manage their time, or deal with it.

I ordered food last night, and just as my hot and fresh wings come out, I call myself up because it's what needs to happen in order to keep the brackets going smooth. I could have called another match up, but then the brackets would have gone out of whack, and everyone in my match would have needed to wait for me to eat.

All you see is yourself in this equation. If you step back, you'll understand that 5 minutes here and there add up for everyone, and things won't get done.


"When I get to the table, that person, I don't care who they are, they're my mortal enemy. I hate them. " - John Grizzly
#14 Posted : Saturday, February 6, 2016 10:47:40 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: brubaker jr Go to Quoted Post
I like most people come to have a good time, party and play some foos get out of the house.

Thanks for answering my question Scott. Sounds like I've got 6 minutes in between matches before I forfeit a game. I didn't push you because I lost a bogus match. I pushed you because your a punk bitch. Next time we have a confrontation, I will probably beat your ass.

Wait, what?
#15 Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2016 1:21:10 AM(UTC)

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Threatening to beat someone over a game!
Come on!
He goes out of his way to run the tournament
Smoothly and impartiality. Help that happen.
Thanks Scott!
#16 Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2016 1:32:31 AM(UTC)

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Give the finalists some flexibility, they earned it. If you're tired, leave the money and make the voyage home. Anyone can initiate that, even the TD. In the spirit of telling people on this thread what they could have or should have done, had you done that we just see the tourney results posted which I'm sure is all 100% of everyone wanted.

Regarding Section 1 and any unsportsmanlike conduct infractions, I wasn't there, didn't hear what was said, didn't see who was close to who or who had their chests puffed out. Can't comment other than I know both of you and if either one of you wanted to really hurt each other, it would have been fisticuffs, not a push or shove.

If you don't lay down expulsion from the tournament he should be there next week given you two can shake hands and move on, especially given the onion has been peeled back on this thread. Forget the "I think" 3 months is sufficient because I'm Scott approach. Stick with the final warning given the circumstances.

Neither one of you are blood thrirsty maniacs or malicious and corrupt tourney directors. Take it offline and solve it.

But Drew...come on Man! Grab that coin out of the air and chuck it next time :)

***Disclaimer - Perception is reality, but always relative to the individual.***

Edited by user Sunday, February 7, 2016 1:51:22 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

brubaker jr  
#17 Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2016 2:05:34 AM(UTC)
brubaker jr

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Leo's right. If I didn't have a bit of respect for you Scott, I wouldnt have let the bar boy keep me from hurting you. Regardless of our past confrontations I consider you somewhat of a friend and don't really want to kick your ass. However your dictatorship does rub me the wrong way. I agree that a 3 month ban is a bit excessive. I'll aoligize to you face to face, but you gotta let me back sooner than that.
DJ Trash-O-Matic  
#18 Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2016 3:29:35 AM(UTC)
DJ Trash-O-Matic

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#19 Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2016 3:44:41 AM(UTC)

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What the fuck is all of this bullshit?

Really? Someone should be able to shove the TD, then come back and play the next week like no big deal?

I swear- every time I go in there, which is like once every 2 months now- someone is shoving Scott, yelling at him, threatening to break his legs with a bat, whatever.

If he had to stand there while you shoved him, in front of everyone, and begged you to chill out, you should apologize and take your 3 weeks off.

"I will apologize, but you are going to have to do better than that". Lol.

Nice scene we got going here in Colorado guys. Good showing.

Fuck the guys that have to drive back to the springs, fuck the guys that have to drive back to noco, fuck everyone that works on Friday, they should have just stayed home, cause we're here to party and smoke every 20 minutes baby!

Have a fucking bad ass chain smoking sesh/money matches at your house for a month.

DJ Trash-O-Matic  
#20 Posted : Sunday, February 7, 2016 4:01:35 AM(UTC)
DJ Trash-O-Matic

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