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#121 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2020 3:09:25 AM(UTC)

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You just think I was, your too damn back hills literate to know the difference...
And like I said before, I dont admit to what im not guilt of, that simple, SORRY you have an issue with that, that's your hang up not mine, not my circus, not my MONKEY..
Im beginning to beleave that your attention deprived, and im your resources to any feedback..

I gave you all truth, so you would look like the idiot fool you are in front of everyone reading these page's, while you think otherwise. .lol
I have always on this forum preached straight toothed, that way I dont look like the idiot foolish Hypocrite.
I have a clear conscience in my speech, you on the other hand stand on shaky ground.. your not for real in you debate, you lack understanding..!
You can't even accuse someone properly...

Like Jesus said, pull out the speck in your own eye first, so you can clearly see to pluck the log out in your brothers eye, you hypocrite, and second dont faults accuse like you do, because that's a worse of a lie...

The thing about people's like yourself. You want the truth, or people think they want it, and the truth comes their way, and what is the first thing they do, they dont want to listen to the truth, and they do everything in their mind to deny it.
What more jacked up can you get than that.
Thats the fire lake you stand in!

But too funny, keep convincing yourself that im going to waist my time in my later days feeding players like you bull
You know chris, I have done nothing but try to explain things to you in honest words, but your a total insulation to me...yeah your a funny dude..ha- ha

If you want, we can see if you like the taste of your own medicine, and then see if you choke on it and then start crying about it
After all you choose to have this session with the jedi..
And you still after a year dont know anything about me, the truth has bound you up... for you are Satan's child you are!

Justice eradicates demeanoring Injustice( jedi )

#122 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2020 3:55:26 AM(UTC)

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I don't know what more to tell you chris..I dont know why someone hasn't chimed in and told you about my truth..
But hands down you have been so wrong in your whole episode with me all this time...
second im not going to fix your problem with that word satan has tattooed on your forehead, thats your demon in your head.
I can't be more blunt than that and this!

Good luck Chris.. the apocalyptic days are here, if I see you in my group, well we already known the immediate consequences now don't we... I bet you that... you remember!
Take that to the FBI, im sure your going to be a priority to them you weak child of Satan's family...

Master jedi ROTN teacher

#123 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2020 4:28:11 AM(UTC)

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You are a prime example of very poor child rearing, and of course your parents didn't raise you right, you preach about lying, and at the same time your a major insulation to your own blood, for you are a nasty human being for that action, you are a dishoner to your parents.. for you are full of iniquity!

You are a faults accuser, a distroyer and your evil, for you can go straight to hell.

#124 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2020 4:42:58 AM(UTC)

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Master Liar, it is extremely hard for whites to believe anything you say and it is impossible for non whites to believe anything you say because they aren't biased and pulling for you.

Just say you are sorry and admit you lied 129.5 times, lol, you threatened to call the fbi and lie to them to get me in trouble. You don't have any shames.

Just say you are sorry.

they will put master liar on your jacket for you. Is this going to be your first jacket? Or are they not going to get you one?

My own medicine? Does that mean you are going to call the fbi again?

We can meet on seseme street. Have you been to seseme street?

Someone told me your throat feels good.
#125 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2020 4:43:50 AM(UTC)

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#126 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2020 4:48:20 AM(UTC)

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Oops, i lied, no one told me anything about your throat.

See, that is all you have to do, when you lie, you need to quickly admit that you just lied.

I am sorry, i got a little emotional.
#127 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2020 2:45:25 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: autechre Go to Quoted Post

Like I said, "your back hills illiterate"!
5th graders are smarter than you
Yor command of the english language is as a 7 year old..

So rather than looking dumb in front of everyone in class, why didn't you look the word up first, before you raised your hand in confusion?
Or didnt you bring your dictionary to class today?

I'll give you a F- for today

Edited by user Saturday, March 28, 2020 4:43:14 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#128 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2020 3:30:45 PM(UTC)

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see how you are, the very thing you complain about , is the very thing you do.. and that is why your a full blooded hypocrite!

You are a liar and a thief, for you try to steal ones righteousness, something that can not be physically taken, and that is what makes you truly evil, you are a murderer too, for you are one that seeks to destroy others for your own pleasure!

This is why no one in the foosball world likes you, or wants you around, everyone that tells me about you wants you in a body bag, this is why you dont go anywhere to compete, because you have made enemies with your evil mouth

And trust me you dont want to see me on the other side of the table...ever!

I want to make sure you have that understanding.

BTW.. I hear you" masterbate to child porn", and considering the way you talk I truly believe it!

Not only that, you lied about your one second video, there's no proof that is you in the video, players are saying that is someone else.....liar...hypocrite... we call that" plagiarism" in the foosball world

Edited by user Saturday, March 28, 2020 4:02:10 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#129 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2020 4:38:45 PM(UTC)

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Im generally an easy spirit to get along with, I can forgive, somethings I do not!
I am not going to look the other way 70x7 with your spiritual or mental problems.. You belong to Satan in every way!

But for myself, being a child of god, and a warrior in Christ, that gives me every right to call you out on your lies and hypocrite nature, etc.
Remember Chris Imhoff, you opened my red door, and walked into my world, my pulpit, my classroom, my forum, after all you fool, who and what is the main focus on these page's....?

Its not Robbie!

Master jedi ROTN teacher
#130 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2020 5:29:14 PM(UTC)

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You surely have the blood of satan in you, for the truth of the jedi makes you squirm inside... you cant stand the fact that I am what I say I am...
the truth sets me free, the same as for the jedi freestyle. It seeks truth.

The meaning of -m-a-s-t-e-r- in table soccer.
(Majestic adversary specialized teacher educating ranks)

The meaning of j-e-d-i

(justice eradicates demonic injustice)

My name has a meaning and a purpose to this game!
For that is a fact in truth before your very eyes, and it makes you melt like the Wicked Witch of the West!
I spit truth at you...spit spit spit spit spit.

No need to sign, I already did above....
#131 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2020 6:07:18 PM(UTC)

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Ok class, its almost noon in colo..

The state is locked down, and the only thing players can do right now is practice!

Ball control is the main element to everything else on the table. Being able to pin the ball forward or back at an instant is a trained skill, not something that's part of inheritance from family players, father to son, etc .

The art of shadow play is a time tool that players do to warm up their routine of their game, we have all trained like this, and we all still do when we practice.
I gave this action the name SHADOW PLAY because you are only playing with your own shadow on the table!

And all of a sudden out of the blue as your shadow playing, you see the other rods move, you look up to see the jedi on the other side, and he just sacred your shadow away, because light just hit the table!
Its just what I do...

The focus during your shadow play should be nondistractive, but you should execute everything in Shadow play even if you are distracted..

But lets get back to ball control....
You have to acquire a smooth teeter totter with the foot on the ball with a front pin and back pin juggling movement. We all do it when we pin the ball around to set it up on a set shot, or not a set shot.
A good example is 5 row ball juggling in all its variations, as we all do.
The side foot of the man has different qualities than the toe.
The side adjusts the lateral vertical movements of the ball, and the front and back toe wedge adjusts the horizontal movements of the ball, the toe pin moves the ball vertical, and once released the ball leaks horizontal off line, it works at a short distance of the foot, but keeping a straight vertical Pin Line inches long is impossible

Try to set a pin 4-5 inches from the wall, now toss the ball to the wall from a pin, let it bounce once and catch the ball on a pin again in the same spot.. good luck!
not the same as bouncing the ball off the wall with the side of the foot, bounce bounce bounce bounce. Come on, do that from a pin. Like bounce pin bounce pin bounce pin... you cant do it!


Edited by user Saturday, March 28, 2020 10:48:31 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#132 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2020 11:18:55 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Jedi-Ruler Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: autechre Go to Quoted Post

Like I said, "your back hills illiterate"!
5th graders are smarter than you
Yor command of the english language is as a 7 year old..

So rather than looking dumb in front of everyone in class, why didn't you look the word up first, before you raised your hand in confusion?
Or didnt you bring your dictionary to class today?

I'll give you a F- for today

you are gay

#133 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2020 11:25:48 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Jedi-Ruler Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: autechre Go to Quoted Post

Like I said, "your back hills illiterate"!
5th graders are smarter than you
Yor command of the english language is as a 7 year old..

So rather than looking dumb in front of everyone in class, why didn't you look the word up first, before you raised your hand in confusion?
Or didnt you bring your dictionary to class today?

I'll give you a F- for today

There isn't a class, nobody talks to you, nobody asks you questions, nobody private messages you. Sell your van for a rocket launcher and program it to launch a rocket in 20 seconds, get a vibrator and put it in your mouth and suck on it as the rocket launches into your face.
#134 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2020 11:26:20 PM(UTC)

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The offensive and defensive rod zones for ball control has 3 field zones, but like go figure, there are 3 men on the rod.
What I mean is the middle man controls the front middle zone, the end men control's the near and far sideline zones..
From that standing point it becomes the tossing game of the offensive ball from man to man rod to rod..

The horizontal momentum of offense is the engagement of the forward release of a pass or shot, and the vertical momentum is the lateral toss of the disengagement of the pass or shot of offense, and the correct order is the vertical momentum followed by the horizontal in a toss before the pass, clear, or shot.
#135 Posted : Sunday, March 29, 2020 12:16:06 AM(UTC)

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Of course this is a class, you talk back, you ask questions, I dont answer but you ask... the only difference is they know my class rules of communication, so as to keep the peace in the class room.. thats my genius criteria why your the only dunce in the corner of the room.
Remember Chris, nobody likes you, they dont want you badgering them on these pages, because thats what you do...
Sweater reads these pages too, but hes not a player, so hes not really a student, but none the less he reads my writing.

I have players all over the country that view these pages, then they copy my teachings, and scrap the rest, like your bull shit.
This is how im passing out my book is through the forum, for this is the only place on earth a player can get copies of my written book..

Why do you think I have almost 2500 views?
And yes my class is on Private Message you Imp.
Its to keep you out of their conversation.. pretty Genius of me if I say so myself!
I have to respect my students, and give them a BANTER and DISSING FREE CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT.

You see, you cant jack with them, because you cant see them.
Out of sight out of mind!

Master jedi ROTN teacher

Edited by user Sunday, March 29, 2020 12:41:26 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#136 Posted : Sunday, March 29, 2020 12:40:30 AM(UTC)

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The truth hurts doesn't it!
#137 Posted : Sunday, March 29, 2020 2:24:26 AM(UTC)

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Actually my van is a launcher, because there is a mini grenade launcher under my since you mentioned it!

But its actually my mobile Hilton hotel room, with flat screen tv,Sony PlayStation, coffie maker, cooking area, small bathroom, generator, heater, air conditioner, and of course the bed, automatic start with alarm...

the beauty of it is that it's all paid for and free...

that means no rental payments, no Utility payments, no mortgage, no fines, no city control on weeds, no yard to keep, no taxes, no Neighbors, no mail box.
I am not a slave to any of these things!

But you are!

That way In the future, I can travel great distances like a virus, go reach out and touch someone out of the blue know, the look you get on people's faces is priceless to say the least, especially when they stand their kind of Frozen speechless For the First 10 seconds, and then it hits them, as reality sets in for the next 10 seconds...oh shit I know who you are!

Edited by user Sunday, March 29, 2020 2:39:46 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#138 Posted : Sunday, March 29, 2020 7:00:21 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Jedi-Ruler Go to Quoted Post
Actually my van is a launcher, because there is a mini grenade launcher under my since you mentioned it!

But its actually my mobile Hilton hotel room, with flat screen tv,Sony PlayStation, coffie maker, cooking area, small bathroom, generator, heater, air conditioner, and of course the bed, automatic start with alarm...

the beauty of it is that it's all paid for and free...

that means no rental payments, no Utility payments, no mortgage, no fines, no city control on weeds, no yard to keep, no taxes, no Neighbors, no mail box.
I am not a slave to any of these things!

But you are!

That way In the future, I can travel great distances like a virus, go reach out and touch someone out of the blue know, the look you get on people's faces is priceless to say the least, especially when they stand their kind of Frozen speechless For the First 10 seconds, and then it hits them, as reality sets in for the next 10 seconds...oh shit I know who you are!

Rofl, heywood, stop lying about every fucking thing. Just tell the truth and tell us about how you tested positive for 4 different steroids and 8 different types of hgh and 2 different types of rare, against the rules lipsticks at the dicksucking olympics. Tell us you thought it was all b12.

I don't understand, none of your gay adds up, why haven't you played open doubles with any of your imaginary students in the last 15 years? Why haven't they paid for you to play in open singles?

Oh that's right, you avoid the best players and then tell dumb white people that you don't go out of the state because you don't need to because you play the best players in teh world. You haven't even seen fredrico in person, you haven't played him. Have you ever played tony or billy?

Have you ever seen them in person?

Yes, i know, right now you are thinking that they don't impress you and you don't care about playing them.

Assume that i knew everything about you in a week. Assume that i didn't need to see the first 15 to 20 years of whatever you have been doing online. Assume that i didn't or do not need anyone to fill me in. Assume that you are just like every other lying cunt except you are much worse. Assume you are in the 99th percentile of dumb lying cunts in this country. Assume that i am about to write a screen play called "Moronfuck, the story of the master jedi that lied 457 thousand times in 30 years and he is 65 years old".

I am going to be nice though so please take advantage of this and fulfill the prophecy.

You said something about how you know more holes to shoot from the 2bar?

Make a video at one of your imaginary student's houses and show me so i can learn.

I will probably go away. Just cunt up a video.

Edited by user Sunday, March 29, 2020 7:02:21 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#139 Posted : Sunday, March 29, 2020 9:58:10 PM(UTC)

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All you have to do is pussy up the video online of Daniel lueras and the Jedi, and start your learning from there, you found one video, see if you can find two.

Its on a warrior table, that event was the first time ever on that style table, my performance was impressive to say the least...
Remember.. its a video of the jedi with actual moving men on the other side; with an actual opposing Force of two players will to win, not the same as a Tootsie Roll tutor video.

Ill know if you watched it..¿

Now heres the video you need to figure out how to find..
The last two sets of the double dip in the senior doubles event at Colorado State last year.
Against an up to date pro Master team..

That video shows everything I do as a forward and some, for its all there on video.
The serpent, the straight Deadman, the tomahawk, the hatchet, the Whirlwind, the shots nobody else does in competition except for the Master jedi..

☆☆☆☆☆Remember that video also is against real live players. There is no rehearsing, or cutting footage to show the best shot☆☆☆☆☆

not some fake footage of some shit, that shoots on a non moving defense like in a one
second video that was of someone else doing..

Find those videos and put them on this chalkboard Chris, and ill use them so you can understand what im saying, otherwise I cant help you..

After all Chris, putting all this bull shit aside... if you weren't curious about the whole thing, you wouldn't be here..

But on the spiritual end of it, I'm sorry to tell you, but you're cursed to be stuck here on these forum pages, you couldn't leave this forum if you wanted to, you will always be destined to return to my classroom, and since you don't believe me, just give it a little test.

Try has hard as you can, not to log in on this site for maybe, like 1 month.. na thats to hard for you, something less like 2 week's, you can't do it!
You will go crazy not being able to know what's going on. You will be forced to push the button,
Mark the jedi words!

But like I said, I mentioned the same thing last year around this time. And look Chris your still here stuck on these pages a year later, just as I said you would do.

This is why im the Colorado Oracle, I know things!

Master jedi ROTN teacher

Edited by user Monday, March 30, 2020 12:13:16 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#140 Posted : Sunday, March 29, 2020 10:19:37 PM(UTC)

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Basically the way to look at it is.... I own you!

Like I have done to others that didnt beleave....

Master jedi ROTN teacher
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