Originally Posted by: Slice/ 
No, Leo’s post was for Whiny Bullshit. It’s on topic.
lol slice, you are the one who started all of the whining. How are you people this stupid? Slice, why is it against the rules to tell people they are cheating.
You actually think i am a pussy and i don't know what i am talking about slice? You think it is perfectly ok for jedi and leo and huggins ot just completely lie? You actually thought what happened at the other place was my fault and i was a whiner and the others were lying and spreading ignorance and cunt everwhere are awesome?
Those ignorant slow slows were the ones you related to? See this is the problem, so many of you are so stupid and you don't know it. Somehow you don't know how ignorant you are. You and bardey should play together. Or maybe jedi will play back for you. Rofl slice you actually think i need to go to colorado to explain shit to people in colorado?
You are just like a dumb redneck, or are you just a dumb redneck? When champ started playing with his partner, there is a great chance that his partner told him that he did some dirty shit and that partner doesn't want that to happen while he is playing with him. Do you understand what i am saying slice?
Slice, are you going to cry if i go to your house and your family and friends watch me play against you. I mean i fucking suck right now, but i will still embarrass the fuck out of you.
Oh and slice when mares and all of the other dumb white people cry about there not being any shitty music on, are they whining or are they awesome?
Slice, have mares and 6 other dumb white people come to your house and play and only play live zeppelin. Some or most of them will cry because it distracts them even if they say they like or love zeppelin. They are going ot get really whiny> Big strong dumb white people whining that tehy can't listen to live versions instead of studio versions of shit they like or love because they are fucking stupid. Their brains won't function becaue they are fucking stupid and they like to whine.
Like you.
Just like you slicey.
Slicey, you are dumb, you relate to morons.
Fuck your couch.
Lol whining, champ is just like every other cheater, you try to tell them about science and they start crying and whining. Then all of the dumb whores on cunt back up start crying and lying. You relate to all of these people and not me.
Look at you slice
Edited by user Monday, January 21, 2019 5:02:33 AM(UTC)
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