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#21 Posted : Wednesday, November 14, 2018 4:19:24 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Old Sweater Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: autechre Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Old Sweater Go to Quoted Post
Note to Autechre....

Your totally out of line here, if this country was in a apocalyptic scenario, and you showed up in my family group with that mind set, I would execute you on the spot with my own hand.

1) you couldn't be trusted around women alone, because your sexually perverted, you're a womanizer, and think your a gift to women

2) your racist in nature, so you would create personal problems with others, a leader can't have that in a survival setting.

3) you have I want to be athority complex, because you think your better than others, but can't produce it, basically you can't back up your shit.

4) you have an underlying bullying personality, so for your own sake of survival you would pray on the weak to save yourself.


Colorado Oracle
Master Jedi R.O.T.N. teacher

no, obviously that is the way it might seem but only a little bit of that might be true. I don't like cheaters and i don't like people who use lies and bullshit to argue with other people. I don't like people who blindly and ignorantly follow what they ignorantly think is good. What i am saying about women is just me explaining part of the power that foosball has. Whores like slice don't understand because they don't have that power and they never will.

Do you understand? I don't any man or woman physically touching any other man or woman in any scenario if it isn't wanted. I think it should be a law. I think alcohol should be illegal for the most part because of the problems that it causes for woman and children.

I really hate to quote a post, and if I knew how to highlight , I would make you eat Crow..
But just to get you up to speed with the times, there is a law against unwanted sexual issues, that includes verbal sexual defamation of character, that is a red flag for abuse.

Then you say in a round about way, no it's not the way it looks, but what your profiling Jedi is half way the truth.
Careful here, this is the part where you're sticking foot in mouth..

Then your giving out weak justifications for your banter and dissing about one player. You going off in 4 directions all because of someone rapping a wall..
I could only assume you were on the other side of the table during this issue?

And yeah, I agree all alcohol should be eliminated from the Galaxy, but if you can make that happen then let me know, I'll give your next mission... To eliminate the IRS!

Colorado Oracle

No, none of this was necessary in the first place. Your buddy slice bothered me with his lies and bullshit which all cliche cunts do. I don't like cliche cunts. He saw other cliche cunts being cliche cunts at the other website and he actually thought they were doing the right thing. I didn't go out of context. Everything i have said is very relevant. Being scared of competition or not being able to compete aren't any of the reasons why i don't go to tournaments and bars. It is so far from the truth and one of the perfect examples of how stupid it is to say that is because the way i play when i am just barely warmed up has the ability to make girls horny. As far as i am concerned those girls are smart and know how to identify fine art. I am not saying anything bad about them. I am just calling the slice a cunt because he is a cunt and a dumb one.

It is also ridiculous because bars are designed for morons that listen to fm radio when fm radio is designed for ignorance. I knew this when i was 4 years old. None of you will most likely ever meet anyone that knows what i know. It makes amazingly perfect sense that i don't want to ever be in a bar that is designed for ignorant people

You whores don't even understand what is going on in that video, or you are just lying because it is king of the fags mares.

Lol,make me eat crow, you are in a dream world and everything i am saying is true and you don't even know what i am saying. You have no clue what mares did and you have no clue what i am saying and you have no clue how stupid slice is.

Good job whore.
Old Sweater  
#22 Posted : Wednesday, November 14, 2018 5:11:00 AM(UTC)
Old Sweater

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I don’t agree with what Chris is saying about Mares either but what is it with you guys here and at the EZ Board who want to ban someone who you don’t agree with? This is America with the freedom of speech! If Clique Strings are pulled to ban Chris like the Jedi, the Mods better delete my account too, or there will be three of us on my account!

And Speaking of the EZ Bored. What the Fuck is up with Phil Kennedy and his false statements and promises, like a new board and then saying he is shutting the board down? Then after a promised shut down of the board he comes back and calls the members fools for believing him???

Signed: Walter who is buying a squirt gun to wet some Pussy!

Edited by user Wednesday, November 14, 2018 5:22:18 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#23 Posted : Wednesday, November 14, 2018 5:20:31 AM(UTC)

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Look at the topic of your thread and then say who started what. It’s just like you’ve done in so many threads on the other board. Why post your garbage on this local board, why not on the board with the larger audience? Or can you? All you do is brag about your greatness and put others down and then come up with weak excuses to not show your greatness in person. Why didn’t you go to Colorado State, which was not at a so called white trash bar, and witness this supposed Richter scale jar in person and call it out in front of everybody? I didn’t see any of the actual players involved call anything. Just keep bragging about what you were but revealing what you are! The more you post the lesser you become. Name call all you want if it makes you feel better in your own self centered world. You aren’t intimidating anybody.

Have a nice day!
#24 Posted : Wednesday, November 14, 2018 5:24:27 AM(UTC)

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Location: Colorado

Walter Chris can say what he wants but when he gets to name calling and disrespecting friends and people who have earned our respect then it is our right to defend our friends.
If he didn’t agree with your political views would you in-friend him? Think about the message behind that one before you talk about bans for opinions.
#25 Posted : Wednesday, November 14, 2018 6:09:07 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Slice/ Go to Quoted Post
Look at the topic of your thread and then say who started what. It’s just like you’ve done in so many threads on the other board. Why post your garbage on this local board, why not on the board with the larger audience? Or can you? All you do is brag about your greatness and put others down and then come up with weak excuses to not show your greatness in person. Why didn’t you go to Colorado State, which was not at a so called white trash bar, and witness this supposed Richter scale jar in person and call it out in front of everybody? I didn’t see any of the actual players involved call anything. Just keep bragging about what you were but revealing what you are! The more you post the lesser you become. Name call all you want if it makes you feel better in your own self centered world. You aren’t intimidating anybody.

Have a nice day!

Dumb cunt, me not going to tournaments has nothing to do with mares raping the wall in this situation almost every time. Understand this cunt, spredeman thinks just like i do and the only reason he makes an exception for mares is because they are friends. Tony has been getting mad as fuck with multiple people for doing less than what mares did in this video and he knows it and he knows i know it so good luck trying to get him in here to agree with you. He agrees with me. Foosball is a very complex situation and you simpleton cunts are not going to understand these situations. That is why you don't understand and don't come with at me with your cliche bardey fife common dumbfuck bullshit and i won't talk about your family's pussies. What you are saying is complete bullshit and what i am saying always has a chance of happening so who the fuck do you think you are talking to you fucking cunt? Smarten up dumb fuck.

#26 Posted : Wednesday, November 14, 2018 6:19:25 AM(UTC)

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Slice dumbfuck, tell the admin to look at this and ban me. But first learn how to do taht evolution i brought to this website. I actually practiced a pass i hadn't done in 7 years for 20 minutes a day for a week and and remembered some evolution i came up with like 10 years ago. I can go the next 10 years and not touch a table one time and probably do it just like that in 7- 14 days of 30 minutes a day. So before the admin bans me, take the next 2 million years to fail at learning how to do that.

What do you think your daughter's pussy is going to think when i come over to your house and she sees that? What do you think she is going to think when you tell her how delusional i am and how your bardey fife fagtalk has owned me. Did your father say the first bardey fife fagtalk thing that popped into his mind when he got upset?

Why do you think mares cries when there is no shittty music on? Whey can't he compete with no shitty music on you fucking cunt?

Learn from this cunt and say you are sorry.
#27 Posted : Wednesday, November 14, 2018 1:47:16 PM(UTC)

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I must’ve missed the part in that video where friend Tony called for a switch and asked Robbie to jar a steal off of the forward and call timeout.
Are you a copy and paste artist? It sure reads like it.
#28 Posted : Wednesday, November 14, 2018 2:22:40 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Slice/ Go to Quoted Post
I must’ve missed the part in that video where friend Tony called for a switch and asked Robbie to jar a steal off of the forward and call timeout.
Are you a copy and paste artist? It sure reads like it.

You are stupid, everything you have said is stupid. He cheated the fuck out of him. If one of my friends cheats someone i am not going to attack the the person he cheated with ignorant cuntness. I have had friends who are huge cheaters and i tell them they are and they get all butthurt. Fuck them. You have 2 problems, the first one is you are ignorant as fuck on this subject. The second one is you actually think that because the cunt is one of the best players in the world that he doesn't cheat anyone. Oh i forgot, the third is you are fagtalking the wrong person. Most people would ignore you but because it is such a problem on this planet i do a lot less ignoring. THere are so many of you that don't understand the written rules and you have no clue about the unwritten rules.

It is because all of you are stupid as fuck about those rules. I can verbally rape you all day for each dumbfuck thing you have said. You actually say things like go to teh tournament and tell everyone when he does it? Rofl, look at how stupid you are. Look at you.

You cunts don't know when you are cheating people and you don't know when you are being cheated. That cunt will cheat you at any moment, especially late in games. Do you know about that? YOu know, how cunts cheat when it is 3 to 3 or later. Do you know about how if you pass on cunts over and over again and they pull up their cunt britches and start cheating you?

Oh look at you, you don't understand do you? Start looking at this as "autechre is helping me". That cunt and many other cunts cry, they start panting and crying when there is no shitty music on, they start crying in a few minutes or 20 seconds. Do you think that cunt can differentiate the best hip hop albums from the worst? Do you think that cunt can differentiate the best post rock album from the worst? Do you think that cunt can differentiate any of the other 200 genres on this planet filled with dumb cunts from the best to the worst?

No, he can't and neither can you and neither can anyone that lives on your street. So take that into consideration when you think about fagtalking me. You sound like you love the smell of penis. You should have learned from what happened to those whores at the ez board. You didn't learn anything. Using unbelievable ignoranance and lies and bullshit to argue with the obvious should be just as taboo as me talking about people's daughters pussies when you people are bothering me with your fucking bullshit.

Bars are stupid, marathon foosball tournaments are stupid. Did you see the list of reasons gatliff listed for why he quit and wanted to quit for a year or 2? He posted a bunch and there are many, many more. Cunt, i told you if you didnt' stop you were going to be in bardettesville. Give me all of your fucking money. You owe me all of your fucking money.

#29 Posted : Wednesday, November 14, 2018 3:40:27 PM(UTC)

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Rinse, wash, repeat.
#30 Posted : Wednesday, November 14, 2018 4:14:24 PM(UTC)

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I agree. Someone on this thread is incredibly stupid.
#31 Posted : Wednesday, November 14, 2018 7:01:57 PM(UTC)

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So this guy talks a mountain of shit and doesn’t even play?
On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.
Old Sweater  
#32 Posted : Wednesday, November 14, 2018 11:03:12 PM(UTC)
Old Sweater

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In friend him???? Here???? Here there isn’t an option. Best solution is to quit clicking on a thread that contains content you don’t want to read.


Edited by user Wednesday, November 14, 2018 11:06:27 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#33 Posted : Thursday, November 15, 2018 12:12:09 AM(UTC)

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It was supposed to be un-friend. I was referring to Facebook and what happens when people don’t agree in politics. Apparently then it isn’t okay to express opinions.

Sure I could just ignore like most people do but I won’t when somebody tries to degrade and disrespect a friend. I don’t care if Chris thinks Robbie jarred him, but why the ridiculous name calling, disrespecting, uncalled for and unsolicited way of going about it.
Most on here didn’t read his exact same nonsense on the other board that he hasn’t posted on in some time. Hmmmmm. There is no need for that here.

I have defended my friend and made my points but now I agree with Nick. There’s no more need to respond to somebody so desperate for attention.

Take care Walter. I do respect your opinion.
DJ Trash-O-Matic  
#34 Posted : Thursday, November 15, 2018 12:29:22 AM(UTC)
DJ Trash-O-Matic

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Imhoff is a major fucking tool! When someone shows you who they are...believe them.

#35 Posted : Thursday, November 15, 2018 9:12:36 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Xx_ANIMOSITY_xX Go to Quoted Post
So this guy talks a mountain of shit and doesn’t even play?

Yes, i am a barely playing legend. You didn't know about those? People who rarely ever play but can make more pussy wet in 2 days than the morons that try to fagtalk can in a lifetime?

If you are a boy and you saw me after i played every day for 2 months you will wish you had a pussy. You will actually wish you were a girl. Jon snow jerks off to videos of me jerking off before he goes to war.

#36 Posted : Thursday, November 15, 2018 9:13:33 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: DJ Trash-O-Matic Go to Quoted Post
Imhoff is a major fucking tool! When someone shows you who they are...believe them.


come on dude you love me, you would love to play open doubles at worlds with me.

#37 Posted : Thursday, November 15, 2018 9:16:17 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Slice/ Go to Quoted Post
It was supposed to be un-friend. I was referring to Facebook and what happens when people don’t agree in politics. Apparently then it isn’t okay to express opinions.

Sure I could just ignore like most people do but I won’t when somebody tries to degrade and disrespect a friend. I don’t care if Chris thinks Robbie jarred him, but why the ridiculous name calling, disrespecting, uncalled for and unsolicited way of going about it.
Most on here didn’t read his exact same nonsense on the other board that he hasn’t posted on in some time. Hmmmmm. There is no need for that here.

I have defended my friend and made my points but now I agree with Nick. There’s no more need to respond to somebody so desperate for attention.

Take care Walter. I do respect your opinion.

I'll be back later, maybe, just maybe you will understand. It is amazing how you whores don't understand that when somoene goes to block a wall pass and totally compresses the bumper because they blasted it and they didn't think they did anything wrong that they are a cunt.

Every day millions of white people don't understand the obvious. I don't want to hear about any of you making fun of brown people ever again. I'll be back later to explain more and you will say something really stupid again.

Old Sweater  
#38 Posted : Thursday, November 15, 2018 10:06:18 PM(UTC)
Old Sweater

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Originally Posted by: Xx_ANIMOSITY_xX Go to Quoted Post
So this guy talks a mountain of shit and doesn’t even play?

Oh my Devil, look who in the hell joined the party!

Hey Autechre, your in trouble now!
Oops I'm kidding, or am I.....

Anyway our disturbing little noid, so YOU UNDERSTAND where your at, referencing to this Colorado forum as the where.
1st off, the child name calling has no effect on the Jedi, and I can speak for others on that, really you would have to come up with something else, well because I've been referred to worse than that!
So basically I'm thick skinned, sooo you can't touch this!
I on the other hand can throw you into a frenzy of uncontrollable Madness...You think your upset about your bitchin issue now. I can make you forget about that before the weekend flys by, and give you something new to fly off on where you would have no chance in making a strong rebuttal, careful I have this natural gift to control minds, you don't want the Jedi to grasp yours.
At least at my end of the candlestick, considering you would be bantering and dissing with an Oracle....Lol

In my psycho analysis profiling on you, despite what your issues are, there was a stronger resolve to your issue in general that YOU could have layed out in post.
Keep in mind throughout this drama YOU manifested.


Just saying

Master JediROTN teacher
Old Sweater  
#39 Posted : Thursday, November 15, 2018 10:44:33 PM(UTC)
Old Sweater

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Originally Posted by: autechre Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Xx_ANIMOSITY_xX Go to Quoted Post
So this guy talks a mountain of shit and doesn’t even play?

Yes, i am a barely playing legend. You didn't know about those? People who rarely ever play but can make more pussy wet in 2 days than the morons that try to fagtalk can in a lifetime?

If you are a boy and you saw me after i played every day for 2 months you will wish you had a pussy. You will actually wish you were a girl. Jon snow jerks off to videos of me jerking off before he goes to war.

My legendary status is more legendary than your legendary status.
I can beat you with a blindfold on..!

Oh and I'm the poster child of never having to practice
and then disappeared on an island for a year with no tournaments or competition, and then came back to dominate Colorado in The Super singles division..
And that is written in flying colors and carved in stone..
Is that what your talking about??

So what's your point again, oh that's right your a want a be legion of making panties wet for only 2 days, I would think a legend could do that for weeks and weeks even months and months on end, but all you got is a 2day max.

your credibility from the judge and jury is waning!

The Jedi
Old Sweater  
#40 Posted : Thursday, November 15, 2018 11:18:02 PM(UTC)
Old Sweater

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Personally I'm a strong believer in, "live and let live and speak your mind wisely"..
But other than that, Otherwise it's a waist of life if all one does is babble in four different directions at once over one issue.

I get your bitch about players that cheat, I get it.
But to go off like you do does no justification with your issue what so ever..
But good luck with it!

I'm out,....................................


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