Oracle, don't be greedy, don't be greedy, did you consider that people would love ot see a jedi master's tomahawk
Don't let the fact that i am here scare they shit out of you.
Mc stuffins, I know you are still here, do you even tomahawk?
Don't let the fact that i am here scare the shit out of you, you are awesome, i heard about you. Don't be greedy.
I heard about you, show the world.
Slice, you are awesome, show the world how awesome you are.
Slice, do you even tomahawk?
Go find anybody in your state?
Go find jedi and hold up your camera so we can see an autchentic jedi's tomahawk so everyone can see it.
SLice you were the first, the first one to say 3 of the dumbest things you possibly could have said. Being incoherent would have been a smarter move.
I want to see some jedi shit, i watched the last jedi about a month ago. Everyone says it sucks but it doesn't suck.
Oracle, show me what yoU think kylo ren's tomahawk would look like.
Todd said you had 5 options for a pass and score better than anything you have ever daydreamed about so i would love to see you interpret 4 different forms of jedi tomahawks.
What color is your light saber
Don't let teh fact that i am here scared the shit out of you. Your shit must be so much better than mine.
Edited by user Friday, February 8, 2019 11:32:12 PM(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified