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#1 Posted : Friday, December 7, 2018 4:50:21 AM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

Joined: 1/26/2016(UTC)
Posts: 185
Location: god'sville

What ever you are thinking. What ever petty sabotage or whatever plan to have someone beat me up or actually like rape me and beat me up and kill me.

If anything happens to me, there are online gamers spread out all over the country that love me. Some of them are psycho, you aren't going to want to meet them.

Lol calling the fbi and trying to post people's addresses?

Look at you 2 go. That type of shit wouldn't even cross my mind and you 2 are the ones harassing me.

Especially you Alex, i know you remember when that lawyer posted at the other gay worthless board that all of the worthless people want to keep worthless with their little corny shit.

That was a real indiana lawyer. He just got a government job. I have barely talked to him really since then. He might get upset with you though.

Jedi, were you lying when you threw that threat at me?

I know psychos that can make their own guns and they fucking love me. They love it when this shit happens. They are watching this right now

I actually don't like it at all, the systemic stupidity that all of you love so much makes me want to die.

I am not petty and you can't hurt my feelings. Omg, i would love it if you would actually have a live debate and you said all of the stupid shit you have said to me. But of course, that won't happen.

You won't take that final step turn it into a waste of time because of you into so much fun.

You are not actually that stupid. Just like i said before, it is a mix of stupid and lies and bullshit.

Alex and slice, Phil kennedy knew all of you were fucking stupid. All kinds of people in texas were begging him to ban me and he wouldn't.

Because all of you were stupid cunts. Harassing evolution.

Slice, what was your name on that wasted board? You people love these websites being wasted instead of people learning and understanding how to practice and play.

#2 Posted : Friday, December 7, 2018 7:36:41 AM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

Joined: 1/26/2016(UTC)
Posts: 185
Location: god'sville

Oh i forgot. I told you whores to just do that evolution one time and i would jump off a bridge.

What did i say? 92 percent as fast?

Jedi, how much time did i give you? 2 months? Are you trying to do it?

Either way, you win. Either i commit suicide or you get me to lie and you learn how to do something amazing.

Alex, you probably have a 98 brown tornado? Don't you?

Just do it alex. Just think how popular you would be. I can do it in 3 to 5 days so i will give you


5 weeks from today at this exact time.

Alex, i suck, i am delusional, and you are Alex FUCKIN Nagy...

Alex, i am so delusional and i am a joke.

None of the best players in the world think i am any good. They just laugh at me.

Alex, you got 5 weeks alex.

Alex, i am delusional.

No girl would ever want to watch me play foosball.

No gay dude would want to watch me play foosball.

Girls and gay dudes would love watching you, plus you shoot a pull kick

That shit will be so easy for you and i might not lie and i jump off of a bridge

Alex, i am delusional

Oh i know, i keep saying the same thing.

Alex, you deserve it, you actually made an account for this and you are such a scumbag.

Alex, 5 weeks. Just pay tony to do it and you can say it is you.

I am stupid so, i won't know it isn't you.

Here is a slower one for you 2 awesomes...THe shot part is so hideous, i had barely even done anything in like 14 months. Big ass nasty backswing. That works in your favor.

I am delusional, look at me go. Look at me thinking if i actually played that i could do it in a half second instead of a second.

I am so delusional, i am slow, my IQ is shit. I don't know how to practice anything. Even if i could do it in a half second, it is just a half second pass and score with misdirection on both rods.

i am so delusional, alex, i am sorry will you be my friend and will you let me play back for you at worlds?

Please alex, play front for me in open doubles..

Or just do this or pay someone to do it and lie and say it is you and i might jump off of a bridge. I might actually do it and it is child's play for you awesomes.

Edited by user Friday, December 7, 2018 7:56:19 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#3 Posted : Saturday, December 8, 2018 2:17:53 AM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

Joined: 12/3/2015(UTC)
Posts: 71
Location: KCMO

This is so freaking hilarious. That pass and shot is so basic. I can name 20 players I know on this board alone that can produce that video within 2-3 hours. And don’t be mistaken our priorities as well as respect for ourselves and Robbie will never make that happen.

The depth of your game is probably just as shallow as your vocabulary. ROFL what joke. And to think you came to this board to impose your high school bully / class clown, racist etc hate speech on this board thinking we give a shit about what you have to say.

Colorado FOOS will defend Robbie to the end.

Your incoherent gutter level response is not required. Just know you’ve made no impact on this board. And every person who’s viewed these threads can only thank you for one thing and it’s the fact that we finally found one thing we all agree on and that is you are the foremost mentally incompetent fooser that walks on this Earth.

Congrats on the title. Pun intended.

#4 Posted : Saturday, December 8, 2018 3:33:43 AM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

Joined: 1/26/2016(UTC)
Posts: 185
Location: god'sville

Originally Posted by: Longball_Hitter Go to Quoted Post
This is so freaking hilarious. That pass and shot is so basic. I can name 20 players I know on this board alone that can produce that video within 2-3 hours. And don’t be mistaken our priorities as well as respect for ourselves and Robbie will never make that happen.

The depth of your game is probably just as shallow as your vocabulary. ROFL what joke. And to think you came to this board to impose your high school bully / class clown, racist etc hate speech on this board thinking we give a shit about what you have to say.

Colorado FOOS will defend Robbie to the end.

Your incoherent gutter level response is not required. Just know you’ve made no impact on this board. And every person who’s viewed these threads can only thank you for one thing and it’s the fact that we finally found one thing we all agree on and that is you are the foremost mentally incompetent fooser that walks on this Earth.

Congrats on the title. Pun intended.


Lol, look at you. Name the 20 and call them and tell one of them to practice it for 2 hours and have someone record one.

Rofl, cliche fagtalk... 20 people on the board can but you can't. Are you that far down on the ladder. Have you been playing 30 years in the mecca, denver colorado and you can't do this easy as shit?

Lol spear was chasing me around the room one time 20 years ago wanting to be my friend. Lol, no impact, show spear this thread. I am not saying he will know who it is but he will think you are really smart and patriotic.

Lol go find one of those 20. Look at how bent into fagtalking you are.

of course it is simple. Tony's lane pull kick is even more simple than this.

Trust me i hope people learn this and learn how to do it as fast or faster than this....this is my half speed.

Look at you, let me guess, 20 people can do anything i post online but you can't. At the least get someone that can actually learn it to tell me they are going to try and learn it.

Rofl, i never said it wasn't simple. I just said you haven't ever seen it happen and obviously, you haven't ever done it yourself.

I barely play dumb cunt. How many people that barely play can learn it in 2 hours.

Rofl, i wish you weren't just upset and saying this bullshit, I actually want people to start doing it. Look at you all bent and raping yourself.

Edited by user Saturday, December 8, 2018 3:42:42 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#5 Posted : Saturday, December 8, 2018 4:04:27 AM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

Joined: 12/3/2015(UTC)
Posts: 71
Location: KCMO

Blah blah blah ya but then you hit mental rock bottom and the rest is history. But sadly for us it’s the present. Your game is trash. Mental and physical. No race or colors needed either. Just garbage. ROFL. What a delusional tool. When parents don’t hold their children accountable for their behavior this is what happens everyone.

And get Spear and Robbie out of your posts. They are real players.
#6 Posted : Saturday, December 8, 2018 9:10:04 AM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

Joined: 1/26/2016(UTC)
Posts: 185
Location: god'sville

Originally Posted by: Longball_Hitter Go to Quoted Post
Blah blah blah ya but then you hit mental rock bottom and the rest is history. But sadly for us it’s the present. Your game is trash. Mental and physical. No race or colors needed either. Just garbage. ROFL. What a delusional tool. When parents don’t hold their children accountable for their behavior this is what happens everyone.

And get Spear and Robbie out of your posts. They are real players.

rofl, you are on tilt, you are embarrassing yourself. If this stops right now you will be the last moron to go full tilt with lies and bullshit.

You aren't actually this stupid but you are mad and at least a little stupid and playing more stupid to argue.

You have no fucking argument. Your buddy is teh one that is weak. Just like all of the other morons that cry when there is no shitty fm radio on while they play foosball.

You have no idea how little these people understand. All of you have been programmed to lose your minds if there isnt' any shitty music playing. These people are everywhere.

And lol, at all of the complete bullshit you have posted today. What are you going to do when your kids watch me play for 5 minutes and think i am amazing and they see you go full tilt? You are going to embarrass yourself? They aren't going to know or care about what is happening here.

If your kids or your parents or your siblings or your cousins ask me why i don't go to tournaments and i tell them that i despise bars, do you think they are going to think there is something wrong with me or are they going to think there is something wrong with you?

Look at you go. Rofl, you saying 20 to 30 people on this board alone can do that shit, but not you? That is full tilt fagtalking. That is what nearly every dumbfuck will say.

Who are they? Go get them. You are stupid. Do it yourself and see what your friends think. See how they react you fucking stupid bitch.

Look at you go full tilt with lies and bullshit and not only using your natural ignorance but playing even more fucking stupid to argue with someone.

It isn't going to work. Sure, all of the other cunts love it. All kinds of cunts wish they could have a pep rally.

All of you cunts go find a fucking high school gym and have a pep rally. Record it, i want to watch it.

Lol, saying i don't contribute? I made you a bjork playlist for your wife and your kids. Bjork is a god and they don't know anything about her. SheA is probably the most accessible god on this planet. You and mares will cry about her when you are playing foosball because you are stupid.

Can you even do one tic tac pass well? Maybe you don't' know how to extrapolate. Go practice your bounce pass for 10 years and see what it looks like on video. THen i will practice mine for 5 days and we can put them side to side using the same table and same camera.

My five bar is all world, that is why even when i am starting at 0 i can practice something for 3 to 14 days and post shit you can't' fucking do. I can post shit nobody has ever done.

All of you are morons, you are calling me mentally weak while you are on tilt. My taste in music is top 20 in the world stupid whore. There might only be 2 or 3 people in this country like me. Most of the others are probably in europe. You have no clue what i am talking about do you? Of course you don't. YOu have no clue about fucking anything.

Rofl, foosball marathon tournaments in hotels in big rooms set up for white trash. All kinds of people who never do shit like meth are at these tournaments wishing they had meth because they are so tired and just want to go home but they fucking can't. But look at you, you and the other faggots in this thread and all around the world will call someone a pussy if they don't want to deal with that gay shit.

Look at you go you fucking piece of shit. Did you see the list that dustin gatliff posted explaining why he quit and why he had been trying to quit for 2 years? I know it doesn't matter when it comes to me. When he says it, it makes perfect sense. But your faggot ass on your fagtalking tilt. I mentally checked out 24 to 28 months in.

Rofl, I have contributed more in 5 days than you ever have or ever will, but go ahead, be like alex the lump nagy or jedi, Call the cops or the fbi or send someone to beat me up. You will be completely justified.

Then you homobabies can have a pep rally, you will feel so good about yourselves and mares will still be a fucking cunt.

Just have mares do the easy simple shit. Oh that's right, his five bar isn't all world, he can't do it and he never will.

In fact i will lower the speed percentage. I gave all of you cunts 92 percent. I will lower it for mares. Mares gets 84 percent. That is the archer percentage. Archer is right about 84 percent of the time. So 84 percent of which ever is the fastest of the 2 i posted. Those aren't fast for me so it should be easy. Loffredo actually told me to name my bounce pass. He saw it when it was better than it is in these videos. I have barely even done that pass in 8 years and those videos were from march 2017.

Look at you go. I can also do tony's lane pullkick way better than you can if you can do it at all.

What is jedi's favorite tic tac shot? One of you fucking cunts answer me?

Edited by user Saturday, December 8, 2018 11:01:49 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Old Sweater  
#7 Posted : Saturday, December 8, 2018 11:41:00 AM(UTC)
Old Sweater

Rank: Newbie

Joined: 10/30/2013(UTC)
Posts: 1,450
Location: Olde Town Arvada

Note for Mr Imhoff ( In my honest opinion fucking funny)

Misfits results)

1st. JediROTN/ Saint Patrick
2nd Bill/ BB
3rd Hot Toddy/ Jeff

Another classic Jedi come back

1st JediROTN (DD)
2nd Kid
3rd Hot Toddy
Second note to fucking funny

The results above is a result of not playing competitive since The Grand Colorado State Mecca championships..

I decided to step out from my throne in the north, do my random appearance and then do what?

Spit out a double sweep!

You see (Inhoff) I never head onward fucked forever
This is what you can't do... Dominate...but first of all, this is what I mean when I say...It's called backing up your shit, and that's what you can not do..
Also you can't read right.. I just gave the paperwork to a psychotherapist I know. wanted to see where you're coming from, which I already knew from the beginning anyway...
You in your mind would think your not what she thinks.
But your words show somethings deeper, and of course that concerned the woman. The fucking funny thing is she has the power to make a roller coaster ride out of things.
Also in my hilarious opinion flying Fridays. Your the one stretching the rubber band in your head, see this is what I do, I can make you think the worst in your head... Look at you, your fucked out.... Getting paranoid...
All I want is to get you on the table, so I can back up my shit, so I guess if you think me calling you out at world's in a viewed Grudge Match is a threatened call, then ok it is...
And look at you, you can't step up to the plate with my call out for your head on the table
But, you got the weak nerve to call someone else out for a grudge match..
What's wrong with you, you have a chance to take down a living Legend you dummy, but you want to thump your chest like a gorilla against a low ranked player, wow you have great class as a what? an expert?... honest opinion fucking funny...

Anyway I'm a war vet, maybe you can try to guess what branch! Or what war?
I'm like a one man force against many... Just like my winning freestyle game single-handed.

Come on Chris ( Injured my hymen on four fourms) battle the JediROTN and try to make history.. try to take me down!

I'll put a blindfold on, after all that's why my name is Jedi..😎
#8 Posted : Saturday, December 8, 2018 12:24:55 PM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

Joined: 1/26/2016(UTC)
Posts: 185
Location: god'sville

Originally Posted by: Old Sweater Go to Quoted Post
Note for Mr Imhoff ( In my honest opinion fucking funny)

Misfits results)

1st. JediROTN/ Saint Patrick
2nd Bill/ BB
3rd Hot Toddy/ Jeff

Another classic Jedi come back

1st JediROTN (DD)
2nd Kid
3rd Hot Toddy
Second note to fucking funny

The results above is a result of not playing competitive since The Grand Colorado State Mecca championships..

I decided to step out from my throne in the north, do my random appearance and then do what?

Spit out a double sweep!

You see (Inhoff) I never head onward fucked forever
This is what you can't do... Dominate...but first of all, this is what I mean when I say...It's called backing up your shit, and that's what you can not do..
Also you can't read right.. I just gave the paperwork to a psychotherapist I know. wanted to see where you're coming from, which I already knew from the beginning anyway...
You in your mind would think your not what she thinks.
But your words show somethings deeper, and of course that concerned the woman. The fucking funny thing is she has the power to make a roller coaster ride out of things.
Also in my hilarious opinion flying Fridays. Your the one stretching the rubber band in your head, see this is what I do, I can make you think the worst in your head... Look at you, your fucked out.... Getting paranoid...
All I want is to get you on the table, so I can back up my shit, so I guess if you think me calling you out at world's in a viewed Grudge Match is a threatened call, then ok it is...
And look at you, you can't step up to the plate with my call out for your head on the table
But, you got the weak nerve to call someone else out for a grudge match..
What's wrong with you, you have a chance to take down a living Legend you dummy, but you want to thump your chest like a gorilla against a low ranked player, wow you have great class as a what? an expert?... honest opinion fucking funny...

Anyway I'm a war vet, maybe you can try to guess what branch! Or what war?
I'm like a one man force against many... Just like my winning freestyle game single-handed.

Come on Chris ( Injured my hymen on four fourms) battle the JediROTN and try to make history.. try to take me down!

I'll put a blindfold on, after all that's why my name is Jedi..😎

Lol, you lied. You completely lied. Someone from 1000 miles away posts a video of something and you completely lied and your buddies lied. Bring 20 other dumb cunts in here and 14 of them will lie because your all lying cunts. Nobody is ever going to think you are better than me. Mares doesn't think you are better than me. Nobody in the top 20 is ever going to think you are better than me.

You lied like a dumb whore and you are telling me to back it up. I don't need to back anything up. The best players in the world know more about me than you. They know i hate all of you, they know i hate bars. They will never think you are better than me.

You lied. I wouldn't even consider lying about what i can do and what i can't.

You aren't evolution and you are a liar. Rofl back it up. You are a fagtalker. Yould never ever have a five bar like mine, you could never ever hit tic tac shots like me.

What is your favorite tic tac shot? Which tic tac shot do you think you can do better than me?

You are a liar, thank you for your service you stupid faggot but don't come back until you have a video of what you lied about. Nobody is ever going to think you are better than me unless they are in the middle of talking like a fag.

Edited by user Saturday, December 8, 2018 12:30:37 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#9 Posted : Saturday, December 8, 2018 3:36:24 PM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

Joined: 10/9/2015(UTC)
Posts: 147
Location: Northglenn

You know what he didn't lie about?

That he can come to KY and mop the floor with your ass then kick it for not getting in the corners. If you are half as good as you claim or half as innovative it would be an incredible match. But Jedi will dominate you on the table. It's best to hide behind your foul mouth and post a video of one pass and one shot because if u accept his challenge there will be nowhere to hide. That is fact. Another fact is you will never accept his challenge cause truth be known the video you posted of your one time to ever pull that combo off probably isn't even you. Something you found or had a friend do for you. All I can see you do effectively is talk crap on a forum. You are the only white trash here.

Now go ahead and go off incoherently about a bunch of nothing with a ton of cuss words. In the end you try to portray yourself as superior. Sad fact is that you have proven time and again you have no intellect, you have no class,and if you mess up and accept the challenge Jedi will prove you have no game.
#10 Posted : Saturday, December 8, 2018 4:18:01 PM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

Joined: 1/26/2016(UTC)
Posts: 185
Location: god'sville

Originally Posted by: todoubled73 Go to Quoted Post
You know what he didn't lie about?

That he can come to KY and mop the floor with your ass then kick it for not getting in the corners. If you are half as good as you claim or half as innovative it would be an incredible match. But Jedi will dominate you on the table. It's best to hide behind your foul mouth and post a video of one pass and one shot because if u accept his challenge there will be nowhere to hide. That is fact. Another fact is you will never accept his challenge cause truth be known the video you posted of your one time to ever pull that combo off probably isn't even you. Something you found or had a friend do for you. All I can see you do effectively is talk crap on a forum. You are the only white trash here.

Now go ahead and go off incoherently about a bunch of nothing with a ton of cuss words. In the end you try to portray yourself as superior. Sad fact is that you have proven time and again you have no intellect, you have no class,and if you mess up and accept the challenge Jedi will prove you have no game.

Haha, what is wrong with you? Did your boyfriend wake up before you and knee you in the dick when he got up to smoke a cigarette and drink some beer?

Or did he wake you up with a blow job and he cut your dick with his whiskers?

Do you have whisker dick?

You white trash cunts are liars. Jedi isn't going to go to kentucky. He and big gay alex have a plan to get me to go there so alex can rape me.

You incapable cunts are liars. You get all fucked out and then someone says somethign stupid and you pep rally. i was literally almost thinking about forgetting about this and then big trash alex nagy came out of no where because he is trash and embarrassed himself even more. Of course i knew who it was. There aren't too many people in indiana that don't think i am amazing. Alex is petty and stupid.

My existence brings out the trash in people.

I mean i hope this is the most amount of trashcunt you have ever been. Have you ever been part of a complete liar trash cunt pep rally like this?

You are too fucking stupid and your IQ is too shit to learn how to do anything.

You know that none of you cunts could ever be like me in 10 million years yet you are doing this.

You are pure cunt. You are like white cockroaches.

This is why bars are made for white trash. THey look, sound and smell like white trash.

You are all jokes, the admins are laughing at you.

It isn't my fault you are trash. It isn't my fault that i can practice something for 2 to 5 hours or an hour a day for 3 to 14 days and post something at a texas website and a colorado website and watch people rape themselves.

You are all just trash. I don't go places that are filled with trash. I fucking hate all of you.

Longball swooped in this morning and said maybe the dumbest shit anyone has said yet. I mean you have said shit that might be more stupid. Rofl you cunts get on tilt and you say the dumbest shit possible. Go read what he said and tell me how it isn't stupid.

YOu cunt should try and learn something instead of harassing evolution.

Go get mares to do it. Just ask him. It will get uncomfortable.

He would rather you didnt ask him.

Seriously, go ask anyone that you think can do what is in that video to do it. They are going to wondering what your problem is. They might not make it obvious but they are going to be wondering how you cunts are this stupid. Go ask all of the best players in the state.

You and longball go search.

Edited by user Saturday, December 8, 2018 4:27:29 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#11 Posted : Saturday, December 8, 2018 5:49:15 PM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

Joined: 10/9/2015(UTC)
Posts: 147
Location: Northglenn

The exact incoherent rambling I expected. At least you are consistent
#12 Posted : Saturday, December 8, 2018 6:05:27 PM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

Joined: 1/26/2016(UTC)
Posts: 185
Location: god'sville

Originally Posted by: todoubled73 Go to Quoted Post
The exact incoherent rambling I expected. At least you are consistent

Did your boyfriend wake you up with a blowjob and fuck your dick up with his beard?

Do you have whisker dick?

Maybe he can do that evolution?

Is your boyfriend one of the 20 that longball was talking about? Longball said that 20 people on this board can do something nobody on this board can do.

Why did he lie? Ask the admin which 20 that longball is talking about.

Do you understand any of that?

Edited by user Saturday, December 8, 2018 6:09:11 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#13 Posted : Saturday, December 8, 2018 6:21:09 PM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

Joined: 10/9/2015(UTC)
Posts: 147
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I understand that u can't hold a regular conversation. It's ok though. Some people are not cut out for it.
#14 Posted : Saturday, December 8, 2018 9:58:07 PM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

Joined: 1/26/2016(UTC)
Posts: 185
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Originally Posted by: todoubled73 Go to Quoted Post
I understand that u can't hold a regular conversation. It's ok though. Some people are not cut out for it.

Lol look at you go, lol you cunts are using not only your natural ignorance and stupidity and your ability to completely lie and play dumb but you have boosted it up 10 notches to do it with me.

Dipshit, i am a pro at this. I already explained it. I am an extremely unique online gamer so i can make this happen anywhere and anytime at any gaming or foosball website. You don't actually read and you don't comprehend. Then you stop or wisen up a little bit when i tell you to do something you can't do or don't want to do becuase you can't do it or you know that going and begging people to do something to prove me wrong.

Look at this thread, the highball cunt was all fucked out for the 2nd or 3rd time and stopped but came back in in post 3 and went full tilt with the fagtalK.

Rofl, then i tell him to go find them but he knows that it will be embarrassing and or they will tell him to fuck off and there is literally or nearly no way they could possibly do it or it will take them a bunch of time they don't care to spend on it and probably still won't be able to do it so the cunt wisened up a little bit but still cunted it.

You fucking cunts trapped yourself and you need to admit you have been lying and stupid out of anger and whatever other gay things that make you whores do this.

I have had and have friends taht are cunts on the table. If someone calls them a cunt on the table, i am not going to even think about doing what you dumb whores have been doing.

Do you cuntboy's phone number. If you don't then don't worry about what people say about him. if you do have it, still don't worry about it. Understand that you just don't understand somethings about foosball and stay out of it.

Learn from this, admit you have been lying and fagtalking and don't do it again when jedi comes in here and says something stupid and i fuck him up some more and i will forgive you.

You don't understand what is going on. You don't understand what is going on in the videos of mares and then the video of tony getting mad at ryan and you don't undertstand what is going on in the video of me.

I don't want this to happen but once start lying and playing dumber than you already are. You are going to get massacred and massacre yourself. Slice and the alex nagy faggot saw what happened at the other place and did it here. That was the last thing they needed to do, and you fkn cunts better not hope anyone fucks with me.

So stfu and beg or pay someone to do what is in that video. You said jedi can do it, longball said 20 people on this board can do it easily. You cunts are either stupid enough to think that or you are lying scumbags or of course a mix of both.

You owe me money and you have to beg or pay tony to learn it. it will be interesting to see how long it takes him. Tony doesn't lie, except when he puts mares up front and mares fags someone. It happens all of the time.

Edited by user Saturday, December 8, 2018 10:03:11 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#15 Posted : Saturday, December 8, 2018 10:52:18 PM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

Joined: 10/9/2015(UTC)
Posts: 147
Location: Northglenn

Wow that's a lot of words to say absolutely nothing. I told you some people just are not wired for intelligent conversation. U can stop posting and leave when u realize NOBODY takes you serious no matter how many foul mouth rants you spout out. I promise you u won't be missed. Newsflash. We don't like you and there is no miracle happening to where we are gonna start.
#16 Posted : Sunday, December 9, 2018 1:58:34 AM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

Joined: 1/26/2016(UTC)
Posts: 185
Location: god'sville

Originally Posted by: todoubled73 Go to Quoted Post
Wow that's a lot of words to say absolutely nothing. I told you some people just are not wired for intelligent conversation. U can stop posting and leave when u realize NOBODY takes you serious no matter how many foul mouth rants you spout out. I promise you u won't be missed. Newsflash. We don't like you and there is no miracle happening to where we are gonna start.

Look you at you go liar, i am sorry

uncoordinated liar. Rofl are you scared to post a pass of yours?

You probably weren't 2 weeks ago. But now

Rofl i think you might be scared shitless.

Also, even if i was nice to you dumb cunts, you still said all kinds of stupid shit and a whole lot of lies. You don't have any problems lying though.

That is how most of you whore talk trash with your best friends.

I don't like dumb cunts lying to me.

You know a lot of golfers like and love foosball.

Tiger likes foosball. What do you think he would think about you whores lying to evolution?

What do you tom brady's wife would think if she saw that shit?

What do you think tom brady would think?

What do you think these people would think about you?

And big lump alex the rat fink snitch trash. Alex the snitch. Big lump alex so scared i am going to hurt his feelings.

What do you think Michael Jordan would think about you trash cans harassing evolution?

What do you think your family will think when they are there with MJ and brady while i am spreading beauty and all of a sudden you pop out of no where and go full tilt on teh fagtalk?

They might think all of you are lumps of shit.

Also, i think maybe after the admin to this place who is the is one of the tournament director which i heard got white trashed a couple of months ago?

Did he get white trashed?

He might not give a fuck if i call lump of shit liar cunts, white trash?

Oh, you are wondering why someone as cultured as me doesn't want to be in white trash havens?

Rofl and longball saying all of those people can do something they can't but won't do it to spite me and how much respect all of you have for robbie.

Just do one longball, and i will go away forever.

Otherewise i will try and make sure to come back at least one time a month if not a week.

And you know what is going to happen? New people will say all of the same bullshit that you are saying and the admin might not be tired of seeing me call moron liars...

White trash

Longball, Go get one person and i will go away, forever and you guys can have your website back.

I think the admin might agree with me about the white trash.

Longball, just show me your bounce pass, don't worry about the shot. I might see the light and understand the greatness of your state.

Edited by user Sunday, December 9, 2018 2:17:11 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#17 Posted : Sunday, December 9, 2018 2:05:23 AM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

Joined: 10/9/2015(UTC)
Posts: 147
Location: Northglenn

Another meaningless post.

How can he keep up this intensity?

Kudos on your evolving. You have almost made caveman status.

Keep trying little buddy
#18 Posted : Sunday, December 9, 2018 3:55:58 AM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

Joined: 1/26/2016(UTC)
Posts: 185
Location: god'sville

Originally Posted by: todoubled73 Go to Quoted Post
Another meaningless post.

How can he keep up this intensity?

Kudos on your evolving. You have almost made caveman status.

Keep trying little buddy

You are trash, your five bar is trash, you a liar.

If your kids see what is in that video, they will think i was sent from god

go beg or pay someone. You shouldn't have ever said anything

You shouldn't have been so fucking stupid.

you can't do one pass well on your own table

Do you have a table?

I am guessing you do and you are going to lie and say you don't

that is fine, just show me longball's and or jedi's

none of you whores will show your bounce pass

they are trash compared to my my 6 out of 10's/////

Don't look at something godlike and fagtalk it.

#19 Posted : Sunday, December 9, 2018 4:30:49 AM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

Joined: 10/9/2015(UTC)
Posts: 147
Location: Northglenn

The saga continues
Old Sweater  
#20 Posted : Sunday, December 9, 2018 4:51:51 PM(UTC)
Old Sweater

Rank: Newbie

Joined: 10/30/2013(UTC)
Posts: 1,450
Location: Olde Town Arvada

Originally Posted by: todoubled73 Go to Quoted Post
Another meaningless post.

How can he keep up this intensity?

Kudos on your evolving. You have almost made caveman status.

Keep trying little buddy

Hahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahahaha.


Edited by user Sunday, December 9, 2018 5:50:08 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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