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#1 Posted : Monday, November 12, 2018 9:09:32 AM(UTC)

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Joined: 1/26/2016(UTC)
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#2 Posted : Monday, November 12, 2018 10:15:52 PM(UTC)

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I would be doing the same thing.😁
#3 Posted : Monday, November 12, 2018 11:51:31 PM(UTC)

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I call disrespectful bullsh*t on you. Go post your crap somewhere else. I know you cry about jars but anybody who watches that video can clearly see that the pass was dropped by the opposing forward on his own. Come out to Colorado tourney’s, play, and call that crap in person or STFU already you no longer playing crybaby whiner!
#4 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2018 12:50:42 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Slice/ Go to Quoted Post
I call disrespectful bullsh*t on you. Go post your crap somewhere else. I know you cry about jars but anybody who watches that video can clearly see that the pass was dropped by the opposing forward on his own. Come out to Colorado tourney’s, play, and call that crap in person or STFU already you no longer playing crybaby whiner!

Rofl, i don't know who you are but yes, i rarely play foosball. But if i play every day for 3 weeks, i can make more pussy wet than you and mares combined. The way i play is an desiac you fkn twink. Rofl, are you white? How about you take your white privilege and go to hospital and give it to a 7 year old black kid that will die in 6 months. Take him some crab legs and german potato salad also.

Yes, i am way too cultured to be in bars and ballrooms turned into bars for 8 - 16 hours a day for 3 to 4 days. First of all, i don't like other people's noise. Especially dumb white people that are drunk and on meth and.

Also twink, my taste in music is top 20 in the world. I don't want to listen to the same music that you and honeybooboo's parents listen to. I am so far above fm radio that it literally makes me want to die.

I understand that you have no clue what i am talking about so you are just gonna keep being a twink. But if i no life foosball for one month, i will make every girl in family's pussy wet. The aren't going to care that i barely play and that i don't go to tournaments.

Rofl, i will make jessica alba's pussy wet. Rofl you think i am gonna spend time in white cunt trash bars that are designed to attract white trash. Look at how stupid you are.

Yes, i know you won't learn anything today but slow down the video and watch the fag rape teh wall and the bumper. THat poor prick he fagged didn't clearly fuck up himself you fkn uncultured faggot.

Rofl you jizzchins have it completely backwards. I barely play foosball and i make pussy wet as fuck. I am better at sports than faggot mares. i have like .074 percent of the hours in foosball and look at him. look at his ugly ass game. When is the last time he made a pussy wet?

I am pure talent you fkn twink, pure talent makes pussy wet, not fags like rapid rob. I do one bounce pass at half speed and all of your woman are gonna perk up bitch.

Bitch, if i actually play every day for a year, i'll make cindy head's pussy wet as fuck you uncultured cunt.

You have it backwards like all of the other fagtalkers in the world. I get all kinds of bonus points for never playing and playing way more sexy than that faggot that has been nolifing foosball for 30 fkn years.

DOn't worry, that cunt knows that i know he is a cunt. When all the faggots in texas give me the money they owe me ill come out there for 2 months.

Don't get upset at me, what you said was so stupid and i am done waiting for 2 or 3 fagtalking posts. It only takes one now. Don't keep it up or you will be a bardette and owe me money.

#5 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2018 12:54:49 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Thunder Go to Quoted Post
I would be doing the same thing.😁

Thunder, i'm not saying you haven't ever done that but it is almost an automatic that he is going to reset or bang the fuck out of the wall when he and tony switch. Also, i don't think you did it to ryan one time in that match yesterday. He stopped play cuz the bumper was all fucked up in the middle of game 4 didn't he. That was cuz all of the people blasting the bumpers. See you got fucked by some bumper blaster. I think i have it recorded i'll try and look for it tomoro. I was hoping to god that would go to that fifth game but that bumper was all blasted and fucked out.
#6 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2018 1:30:08 AM(UTC)

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Dude you went off into left field with that shit. Going off on slice about being white privileged? Why did race, rape, drugs, and alcohol have to come into the discussion?

You are a fucktard.
#7 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2018 1:32:22 AM(UTC)

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Just when I thought Jedi was gonna win worst post of the year, along comes this guy
#8 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2018 3:26:35 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: todoubled73 Go to Quoted Post
Dude you went off into left field with that shit. Going off on slice about being white privileged? Why did race, rape, drugs, and alcohol have to come into the discussion?

You are a fucktard.

no, i am not a crybaby whiner. Mares is a cunt, he has been every day of his life. Also, nobody should be surprised if any person in the world doesn't want to spend their time in in white trash bars. None of you whores need to question me.

Don't blame me little whore. This is your idol's fault. i am sorry i understand physics and other shit better than you. I am sorry that i knew what fm radio was doing when i was 4 and you will die at 74 or 94 and still not understand.

It is funny because jim will try to turn on some of that easy poppy jazz he likes and everyoen starts crying in minutes and sometimes seconds. He is just trying to get a break from the faggot fm hits station music. THat easy poppy jazz he likes is a milion times better than ac dc and jenny don't lose my number. I will admit that it seems that at the colorado tourneys and the videos i have seen in bars there the music does seem to be a lot better than in other stats so understand that if i am right about that and even though the music at your tournaments is still complete shit for the most part. Most of the bars in most of the states in this country are a lot more shitty than out west.

So if anyone calls me a crybaby or i am scared of competition i am going to say some bad words. Bars are fucking stupid, don't be surprised if someone doesn't spend one fucking second in a piece of shit bar when half of the bar are dumbfucks.

I am gonna help you, what all of you need to do is listen to autechre and aphex twin and meshuggah's last 5 albums and bjork and bach every day for the next 5 years and maybe bars will become a better place for our children.

Don't blame me dude, blame rapid.

I will only call him half a cunt if he starts doing this at tournaments, this is slow for me, so he should be able to rapid it up about 8 notches becuase he has been nolifing foosball for 30 years and i hide like a motherfucker. I alienate and hide like a pro. It isn't my fault it is everyone else's fault.

rapid robbie i won't be so mean the next time i see you fag someone while you are playing with teh best player in the world. Mason flew all the way from kentucky and mason will tell you he lives an hour a way from me and has only seeen me like 5 times in the last 15 years.

rapid robbie, stop raping the wall when someone does a wall pass on you

here you go rapid, rapid it up you might be able to make some pussy wet

#9 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2018 3:43:31 AM(UTC)

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I stand behind my fucktard statement
#10 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2018 4:06:35 AM(UTC)

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Robbie Mares is well respected out here and he is a person I consider as a friend and all you do is sit behind a keyboard and disrespect the world. I scrolled through your nonsense before you got banned from the EZ board. This board will be next. You can take your stereotypical garbage and go infect somebody else’s board. Nobody cares about your foosball skills when you suck at being a human being. Robbie has been nothing but respectful, gracious, and kind to me, and I’m not a foosball wizard, but I will always defend and get my friends back. Since you won’t man up and come to Colorado go crawl back into your hole. Have a nice day!
#11 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2018 5:14:11 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Slice/ Go to Quoted Post
Robbie Mares is well respected out here and he is a person I consider as a friend and all you do is sit behind a keyboard and disrespect the world. I scrolled through your nonsense before you got banned from the EZ board. This board will be next. You can take your stereotypical garbage and go infect somebody else’s board. Nobody cares about your foosball skills when you suck at being a human being. Robbie has been nothing but respectful, gracious, and kind to me, and I’m not a foosball wizard, but I will always defend and get my friends back. Since you won’t man up and come to Colorado go crawl back into your hole. Have a nice day!

I am way better at sports than both of you combined. Look at how stupid you are. If what i was saying was nonsense phil would have actually banned me. I have less than 1 percent of the hours in foosball that that fag has and a thousand more percent of a chance of making the woman in your family wet and i am ugly.

Rofl you are so stupid. I can explain everything perfectly to you cunts and you still think you are doing so good by arguing with evolution. Rofl, at 2016 worlds the documentary crew was there and had to have the music off and guess who started crying and couldn't play. You guessed it, all of a sudden Rue comes out of out of the picture and told jim that mares was crying because there wasn't any music. ROfl, he is a dumb cunt. Not only do you cunts cry when there is no music but you insist on shitty music that every crackwhore in denver loves. You dumb faggots can only listen to like .000004 percent of the music in the world and it is because A. you were born stupid and B. you have been brainwashed and programmed by morons.

You have no clue what i am talking about. Lol look at you. Lol the ez board. i can go 2 years without touching a table and play for a week and post a video and a bunch of morons are to fagtalk so confidently. Heterosexual homos are the worst. You think you are doing so good. Lol Archer went half bardey for 3 days and then a bunch of fags like you went in trying to like back him up when he should have told him he fucked up and it would have saved them from looking so fucking stupid. I am so far ahead of all of you.

Mares won't even think about trying to browbeat me you FUCKING dumb because he understands i am way better at sports than him. So you are doing exactly what they did at the ez board. THe second archer knew what was actually happened he claimed he got tricked and never said another word. It took him 3 days to stfu but he didn't admit it so a bunch of dumbs harassed me for months having no clue that archer knew he fucked up, or they knew and didn't care. Either way they are worthless cunts.

You are so stupid, don't be surprised if a human being doesn't want to spend any time in a bar designed for morons.

See i just helped you. Say thank you.

oh and ps.....

i am not degrading woman, it works both ways. I am not going to say who it is but a long time ago i got tricked into going somewhere far from home and there was a girl that in my opinion was an average looking girl and there is nothing wrong with that but she kept doing wrist tic tac pullkicks and i instantly wanted to fuck her.

Edited by user Tuesday, November 13, 2018 5:24:42 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#12 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2018 5:45:38 AM(UTC)

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You’re no star athlete because all you do is talk, talk, talk but if you can’t walk the walk then walk on out already. We know you’re not Tim Lincecum now don’t we. Instead of rofl why don’t you stand up and do something worthwhile.


If you have to start a sentence with “not to degrade women”, what you’re about to post next is degrading to women. The first time you meet a woman just use your favorite c word and see how that goes for you.

As the boys in blue say, have a nice day!
#13 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2018 5:48:02 AM(UTC)

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Here, let me start your next post for you:

Not that I’m racist........
#14 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2018 5:46:50 PM(UTC)

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We actually have a tight race here for douche bag post of the year.
This guy says he understands physics better than everybody else any idiot knows a jar doesn't cause the ball to go straight back that's error of the player, ball would've gone Side to side if the table was jarred.

Old Sweater  
#15 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2018 7:36:34 PM(UTC)
Old Sweater

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Note to Autechre....

Your totally out of line here, if this country was in a apocalyptic scenario, and you showed up in my family group with that mind set, I would execute you on the spot with my own hand.

1) you couldn't be trusted around women alone, because your sexually perverted, you're a womanizer, and think your a gift to women

2) your racist in nature, so you would create personal problems with others, a leader can't have that in a survival setting.

3) you have I want to be athority complex, because you think your better than others, but can't produce it, basically you can't back up your shit.

4) you have an underlying bullying personality, so for your own sake of survival you would pray on the weak to save yourself.


Colorado Oracle
Master Jedi R.O.T.N. teacher

#16 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2018 8:06:38 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Old Sweater Go to Quoted Post
Note to Autechre....

Your totally out of line here, if this country was in a apocalyptic scenario, and you showed up in my family group with that mind set, I would execute you on the spot with my own hand.

1) you couldn't be trusted around women alone, because your sexually perverted, you're a womanizer, and think your a gift to women

2) your racist in nature, so you would create personal problems with others, a leader can't have that in a survival setting.

3) you have I want to be athority complex, because you think your better than others, but can't produce it, basically you can't back up your shit.

4) you have an underlying bullying personality, so for your own sake of survival you would pray on the weak to save yourself.


Colorado Oracle
Master Jedi R.O.T.N. teacher

no, obviously that is the way it might seem but only a little bit of that might be true. I don't like cheaters and i don't like people who use lies and bullshit to argue with other people. I don't like people who blindly and ignorantly follow what they ignorantly think is good. What i am saying about women is just me explaining part of the power that foosball has. Whores like slice don't understand because they don't have that power and they never will.

Do you understand? I don't any man or woman physically touching any other man or woman in any scenario if it isn't wanted. I think it should be a law. I think alcohol should be illegal for the most part because of the problems that it causes for woman and children.

#17 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2018 8:09:58 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: nerdsmasher Go to Quoted Post
We actually have a tight race here for douche bag post of the year.
This guy says he understands physics better than everybody else any idiot knows a jar doesn't cause the ball to go straight back that's error of the player, ball would've gone Side to side if the table was jarred.

No, that guy that use to make the great instructional videos from colorado made a great video about this subject


#18 Posted : Tuesday, November 13, 2018 8:14:42 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Slice/ Go to Quoted Post
You’re no star athlete because all you do is talk, talk, talk but if you can’t walk the walk then walk on out already. We know you’re not Tim Lincecum now don’t we. Instead of rofl why don’t you stand up and do something worthwhile.


If you have to start a sentence with “not to degrade women”, what you’re about to post next is degrading to women. The first time you meet a woman just use your favorite c word and see how that goes for you.

As the boys in blue say, have a nice day!

No dummy, you just aren't an artist and you have no clue how to appreciate art. That you are saying the dumbest thing possible and you think you are doing so well.

Look at you go

#19 Posted : Wednesday, November 14, 2018 1:31:22 AM(UTC)

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You just follow degrading nonsense with more degrading nonsense. You still stereotype everybody. If you just want to be the winner of posting stupid stuff, congratulations, you win. We all agree that you are the most athletic artist in that field. Don’t care about the links that you post, only clicked on the first one after Brian posted because then I realized you weren’t one of the usual scammers on this board. Unfortunately you’re worse.

Btw, Robbie is not our idol, he is our friend. He is our family. Get it?
Old Sweater  
#20 Posted : Wednesday, November 14, 2018 3:40:53 AM(UTC)
Old Sweater

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Originally Posted by: autechre Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Old Sweater Go to Quoted Post
Note to Autechre....

Your totally out of line here, if this country was in a apocalyptic scenario, and you showed up in my family group with that mind set, I would execute you on the spot with my own hand.

1) you couldn't be trusted around women alone, because your sexually perverted, you're a womanizer, and think your a gift to women

2) your racist in nature, so you would create personal problems with others, a leader can't have that in a survival setting.

3) you have I want to be athority complex, because you think your better than others, but can't produce it, basically you can't back up your shit.

4) you have an underlying bullying personality, so for your own sake of survival you would pray on the weak to save yourself.


Colorado Oracle
Master Jedi R.O.T.N. teacher

no, obviously that is the way it might seem but only a little bit of that might be true. I don't like cheaters and i don't like people who use lies and bullshit to argue with other people. I don't like people who blindly and ignorantly follow what they ignorantly think is good. What i am saying about women is just me explaining part of the power that foosball has. Whores like slice don't understand because they don't have that power and they never will.

Do you understand? I don't any man or woman physically touching any other man or woman in any scenario if it isn't wanted. I think it should be a law. I think alcohol should be illegal for the most part because of the problems that it causes for woman and children.

I really hate to quote a post, and if I knew how to highlight , I would make you eat Crow..
But just to get you up to speed with the times, there is a law against unwanted sexual issues, that includes verbal sexual defamation of character, that is a red flag for abuse.

Then you say in a round about way, no it's not the way it looks, but what your profiling Jedi is half way the truth.
Careful here, this is the part where you're sticking foot in mouth..

Then your giving out weak justifications for your banter and dissing about one player. You going off in 4 directions all because of someone rapping a wall..
I could only assume you were on the other side of the table during this issue?

And yeah, I agree all alcohol should be eliminated from the Galaxy, but if you can make that happen then let me know, I'll give your next mission... To eliminate the IRS!

Colorado Oracle
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