One thing that is for sure in any game or sport, you can't win them all. A player could win a majority, but never win everything that one competes in, and that goes without saying in this crazy game of foosball we all compete in against one another. And another thing that is a fact, just because someone beats another player, that doesn't mean that the winner is a better player than the one they beat.
At times games, and matches are won by a "FLUKE",
A chance of a miss hap,or a few can change a game to a win.. This is why I preach the philosophy that, " any player can be beat on any given day, " and that includes the Jedi.
I don't win every match I play, but I win the majority, because I win more matches than what I lose, and that is by a large margin, it's the stature of my "Nature".
I did place 4th last Friday in the race, but lo and behold,
the following day, With the help and fight from Dennison, he and the Jedi placed 2nd in Juan's benefit Tournament, taking out all the other teams in the house,
Now granted, we didn't win, but you can't win them all!
Now as far as Brubaker and the Jedi standing alone. If we were to ever team up as a standard team as a bring team, we would for sure win the majority of the Saturday Tournaments that is left throughout this year, not to mention the following year to come, beating Roger and Bruce's record by a landslide!
And why is that? Because our freestyle game and intensity is based on "DOMINATION", and not by some isolated win here and there by the odds of chance!
JediROTN teacher
Edited by user Wednesday, April 11, 2018 11:41:14 PM(UTC)
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