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What Monkeys Eat  
#41 Posted : Friday, September 25, 2015 8:49:53 AM(UTC)
What Monkeys Eat

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I won Super Singles in Portland Oregon in 77'
So fuck you bitches!
#42 Posted : Friday, September 25, 2015 6:04:07 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Master jedi Go to Quoted Post

I just don't logically understand this posted page.. It makes no sense what so ever. Is there anyone out there that can explain it, like what all the numbers mean with rank and points.

Short answer: No.

Longer answer: There appears to be something wrong with the receiver.
Master jedi  
#43 Posted : Friday, September 25, 2015 6:57:29 PM(UTC)
Master jedi

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Originally Posted by: Dubs Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Master jedi Go to Quoted Post

I just don't logically understand this posted page.. It makes no sense what so ever. Is there anyone out there that can explain it, like what all the numbers mean with rank and points.

Short answer: No.

Longer answer: There appears to be something wrong with the receiver.

why, is your phone jacked up?
#44 Posted : Friday, September 25, 2015 9:46:53 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Master jedi Go to Quoted Post
why, is your phone jacked up?

Case and point!

Old Sweater  
#45 Posted : Saturday, May 5, 2018 6:22:29 AM(UTC)
Old Sweater

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Bump up from the past.

The force of the North works in mysterious ways in prophecies..

Just noticed some similarities between the 2014 points race, and this years points race of 2018...

Old Sweater  
#46 Posted : Saturday, May 5, 2018 8:48:03 PM(UTC)
Old Sweater

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Originally Posted by: Master jedi Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Slice/ Go to Quoted Post
Yeah awesome job everybody!

It's too bad BC's doesn't do anything like this for it's loyal fooser base!

Just an idea.. But why not start keeping track of the results at the Bonfire, just like what TSK did for Americas..

Have a next year package for State for the top team,like Roger and BJ, or just the top two players that hit the top points with random players, like Speer once did..
or in the end it just might be one top player with the most points..

The good thing is, is that the Bonfire arena is fresh and new, So the weekly results can be started now with 100% accuracy

sweaters point system worked "Great" right along with TSK point system.

Plus.. another preaching again here from the Master jedi..
When is somebody going to change the standard entry from 5 crackers, to 10 nuts per head?

How can anybody expect our game to really survive, if it just keeps being the same, My God, its only 5 dollars more than what its been for the life we have all played this game..
Like really, wouldn't one think that if there was more money on the line to win, that it just might change the face of the game, where players might be more inclined to show up to play for the higher kitty of cash.. I for one would make way more appearances if it was worth showing up for..
plus it makes the player face the pressure more, thus, making them a better player...

so honesty speaking here. I think its time NOW to change the standard entry to thing for sure it will definitely separate the "PRO's from the Con's, and the want a be's

Master jediR.O.T.N. Colorado's Oracle teacher

I bumped this thread and a post of mine from 4 light years away for a reason..

And some players think I want them to bow to me, I'm delusional, or a clown, or just love myself to another level..
Well... That's hardly the case!
When it comes to me and this game, and then the general player that just plays this game to occupy there free time.
Is that the difference is, most play for the sake of just playing the game. But for me the Jedi, I have a alternative motive.
I'm changing the evolution and the face of the game!

Plus above all else, I will never let the Colo Metro Bitches live it down, for calling my game weak... For I've been making players eat Crow since 2006
12 years of serving the metro the Bird!


Edited by user Saturday, May 5, 2018 10:11:12 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#47 Posted : Monday, May 7, 2018 9:14:27 PM(UTC)

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Joined: 10/28/2013(UTC)
Posts: 451

Originally Posted by: Old Sweater Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Master jedi Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Slice/ Go to Quoted Post
Yeah awesome job everybody!

It's too bad BC's doesn't do anything like this for it's loyal fooser base!

Just an idea.. But why not start keeping track of the results at the Bonfire, just like what TSK did for Americas..

Have a next year package for State for the top team,like Roger and BJ, or just the top two players that hit the top points with random players, like Speer once did..
or in the end it just might be one top player with the most points..

The good thing is, is that the Bonfire arena is fresh and new, So the weekly results can be started now with 100% accuracy

sweaters point system worked "Great" right along with TSK point system.

Plus.. another preaching again here from the Master jedi..
When is somebody going to change the standard entry from 5 crackers, to 10 nuts per head?

How can anybody expect our game to really survive, if it just keeps being the same, My God, its only 5 dollars more than what its been for the life we have all played this game..
Like really, wouldn't one think that if there was more money on the line to win, that it just might change the face of the game, where players might be more inclined to show up to play for the higher kitty of cash.. I for one would make way more appearances if it was worth showing up for..
plus it makes the player face the pressure more, thus, making them a better player...

so honesty speaking here. I think its time NOW to change the standard entry to thing for sure it will definitely separate the "PRO's from the Con's, and the want a be's

Master jediR.O.T.N. Colorado's Oracle teacher

I bumped this thread and a post of mine from 4 light years away for a reason..

And some players think I want them to bow to me, I'm delusional, or a clown, or just love myself to another level..
Well... That's hardly the case!
When it comes to me and this game, and then the general player that just plays this game to occupy there free time.
Is that the difference is, most play for the sake of just playing the game. But for me the Jedi, I have a alternative motive.
I'm changing the evolution and the face of the game!

Plus above all else, I will never let the Colo Metro Bitches live it down, for calling my game weak... For I've been making players eat Crow since 2006
12 years of serving the metro the Bird!


Do you get neck cramps from blowing yourself so much?

Couple of questions:
What have you done to evolve the game?
What’s the last MAJOR title you’ve won?
How many pupils of yours have won Major titles?
How many new players have you brought into the game?
How many players on tour know who Dave Miller is?
Why is your grammar similar to my 5 year old nephews?


Never let a win go to your head, or a loss to your heart
Old Sweater  
#48 Posted : Tuesday, May 8, 2018 5:47:13 AM(UTC)
Old Sweater

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Answer to question 1
The only thing that hurts are my hands.

Answer to Q 2
I'm the founder of Freestyle, that happens to make the cookie cutter pro style obsolete!

Answer to Q 3
08 senior doubles, against a field of pros and pro master's
2010 Colorado state fireball ES Championship
Civil war ES 12-13 against the state of Colorado.
The 2014..8 month points race against the state of Colorado
2018 Misfits super singles points race, against the state of Colorado.
Let me see here I know there is something else...
Oh that's right how can I forget.. how about dominating every arena from my home town to Noco, and all the way south to the metro, taking down world title holders in my wake, just like I've been doing for longer than you and most player's today that have been alive.

Answer Q 4
I have had three students that have trained with me to go to the next level.. 3 have become major title holders..
1 will deny the Jedi teachings.

Answer to Q 5
I'm not at liberty to bring new meat to the table, people that want to play this game has to decide for themselves..

Answer to Q 6
Well most are not going to know me as David Miller, since I go by Jedi in the foosball world..

Answer to Q 7
I write my posts like a 5th grader, because I have to tone down the comprehension because for the most part I'm communicating with the mentality of 5 year olds..

Well that wraps up my questionnaire...
Any other questions???


Edited by user Tuesday, May 8, 2018 5:58:48 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

#49 Posted : Tuesday, May 8, 2018 1:50:37 PM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

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Posts: 451

None of those are major titles bruh. We don’t talk about Tiger woods winning the local weekend jam. Just sayin. Not saying your play style doesn’t get you wins locally. But where is the translation to Major titles on tour? Are you winning enough big tournaments to have a solid HOF career? Or are we all going to be joking 30 years from now around the camp fire about some guy in a van down by the river who gave himself a nickname and won a couple locals? My bet is on the latter.
Never let a win go to your head, or a loss to your heart
#50 Posted : Tuesday, May 8, 2018 2:10:51 PM(UTC)

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Posts: 451

Side note your points are at 2258/2141 - Expert ... so you can stop tagging yourself “Master”

Never let a win go to your head, or a loss to your heart
Old Sweater  
#51 Posted : Wednesday, May 9, 2018 5:46:14 AM(UTC)
Old Sweater

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I have no concerns for ranking points, they have no value to me what so ever, especially since the system is distorted and inaccurate since Mary took over...
So if everyone wants to keep me as an Expert thats just fine with me, because my ability is beyond
So if the pros and master's around have no issues of having a so called low to midd Expert handing them there ass in every points race I've been in. then that tells me that the general player base in Colorado is " WEAK"!
and I thought Colorado players were the best in the world. well I guess not!

Oh by the way

Remember if you ever make it to 50, play senior singles, since that has a general field of pros and master's in that event. My prediction is you won't get very far.

#52 Posted : Wednesday, May 9, 2018 1:52:25 PM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

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Posts: 451

Originally Posted by: Old Sweater Go to Quoted Post
I have no concerns for ranking points, they have no value to me what so ever, especially since the system is distorted and inaccurate since Mary took over...
So if everyone wants to keep me as an Expert thats just fine with me, because my ability is beyond
So if the pros and master's around have no issues of having a so called low to midd Expert handing them there ass in every points race I've been in. then that tells me that the general player base in Colorado is " WEAK"!
and I thought Colorado players were the best in the world. well I guess not!

Oh by the way

Remember if you ever make it to 50, play senior singles, since that has a general field of pros and master's in that event. My prediction is you won't get very far.


Your delusion is quite entertaining, I have to give you that. Appreciate the giggles. Jed”high” ... you’ll have to fill me in on what paints your huffing because it sounds fun to be in your own little world.

So ... No majors. No world titles. Just some BS spewed here and there which leads to some fun banter.

Don’t worry about me making it to 50 Bubba. I’ll def be playing foosball for the rest of my days, right now not so much time to dedicate as my career is higher on my priority list. As well as Family and giving back to the community. How long have you been playing again? I’ll put money on who has more jackets at the end of their Foosball career.
Never let a win go to your head, or a loss to your heart
#53 Posted : Wednesday, May 9, 2018 5:14:05 PM(UTC)

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Joined: 3/17/2017(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: Old Sweater Go to Quoted Post

Answer to Q 6
Well most are not going to know me as David Miller, since I go by Jedi in the foosball world..


You gave yourself the nickname, which is not how it generally works. Pretty sad.
#54 Posted : Wednesday, May 9, 2018 6:11:44 PM(UTC)

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Posts: 451

Originally Posted by: vanwilder Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Old Sweater Go to Quoted Post

Answer to Q 6
Well most are not going to know me as David Miller, since I go by Jedi in the foosball world..


You gave yourself the nickname, which is not how it generally works. Pretty sad.

This guy gets it!

Never let a win go to your head, or a loss to your heart
Old Sweater  
#55 Posted : Friday, May 11, 2018 3:08:46 AM(UTC)
Old Sweater

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Actually no, nobody gets it..
The name came from two college guys from UNC, that was at a Greeley location called UCB.
I was playing another player blindfolded and beat him 5-3
A few months later, I found out it was my nickname, after thinking it was someone else that I was looking for to play against someone named Jedi. Just to find out I was the Jedi..
So I accepted the name..
If others want to believe otherwise, it doesn't effect me..

And also as far as being a master, of course I am. I'm just not the kind of master everyone was expecting.
Bahaha haha
In fact, I'm most likely the only player ever that has never never never been rated or ranked as a beginner, Rookie, or amateur... My first rank was expert, Tom Spear was the one that gave me that ranking..
In the days of the Lamplighter in Littleton..

Master jediR.O.T.N. teacher

Edited by user Friday, May 11, 2018 3:11:34 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Old Sweater  
#56 Posted : Friday, May 11, 2018 3:32:02 AM(UTC)
Old Sweater

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Originally Posted by: AKPV22 Go to Quoted Post
Side note your points are at 2258/2141 - Expert ... so you can stop tagging yourself “Master”


The numbers above just goes to show you how fucked up the Ranking system is..
Looks like Rookie points to me?

Master jedi
#57 Posted : Friday, May 11, 2018 3:50:33 PM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

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Posts: 451

What’s in the kool aid? Sounds like something strong ... you should share so we can all get in on that jazz.

Never let a win go to your head, or a loss to your heart
Old Sweater  
#58 Posted : Friday, May 11, 2018 7:39:31 PM(UTC)
Old Sweater

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Originally Posted by: AKPV22 Go to Quoted Post
What’s in the kool aid? Sounds like something strong ... you should share so we can all get in on that jazz.

Is that all you got as a come back reply, so weak!

Too funny, not to long ago my so called accurate points were like 3500, give or take a few here and there.
Looks like a thousand points taken
Shit maybe in another year I'll drop another thousand, that way when I'm still smashing world champions...
Someone like you can post my retarded points, and say, "
Look Miller, your just a beginner". That way you make the Colorado base look that much more weaker, than what it is today. After all, I'm just this 2258/ etc.
I certainly hope the 2258 isn't for doubles, because I don't compete in that enough for it to be higher than my singles points..
Hey, maybe you can get a shot of Kool- aid from the points director???

Master Jedi M

Edited by user Friday, May 11, 2018 7:42:03 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Old Sweater  
#59 Posted : Tuesday, May 15, 2018 9:31:12 PM(UTC)
Old Sweater

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Here is my tally points from Jan-Nov 1st 2014. Now this was my tally points and not an official points race.

Americas Singles after 39 tourneys

Jedi 88.5
Dustin 43.5
Cheez 36
Champ 35.5

Signed: Walter
Old Sweater  
#60 Posted : Wednesday, May 16, 2018 2:52:40 AM(UTC)
Old Sweater

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Originally Posted by: AKPV22 Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Old Sweater Go to Quoted Post
I have no concerns for ranking points, they have no value to me what so ever, especially since the system is distorted and inaccurate since Mary took over...
So if everyone wants to keep me as an Expert thats just fine with me, because my ability is beyond
So if the pros and master's around have no issues of having a so called low to midd Expert handing them there ass in every points race I've been in. then that tells me that the general player base in Colorado is " WEAK"!
and I thought Colorado players were the best in the world. well I guess not!

Oh by the way

Remember if you ever make it to 50, play senior singles, since that has a general field of pros and master's in that event. My prediction is you won't get very far.


Your delusion is quite entertaining, I have to give you that. Appreciate the giggles. Jed”high” ... you’ll have to fill me in on what paints your huffing because it sounds fun to be in your own little world.

So ... No majors. No world titles. Just some BS spewed here and there which leads to some fun banter.

Don’t worry about me making it to 50 Bubba. I’ll def be playing foosball for the rest of my days, right now not so much time to dedicate as my career is higher on my priority list. As well as Family and giving back to the community. How long have you been playing again? I’ll put money on who has more jackets at the end of their Foosball career.

Wow, how did I miss this post?

If I was to reach 90+ I could still smash down players like you all day long, and still dominate the world title holders.

Sorry yo, but I don't think your going to make it past amateur class, much less aquire more jackets...
as for the Jedi, I play to dominate the jacket holders.

Plus life is to uncertain to predict how long one lives, especially now days with the threat of nuclear war from any given country.. if that happens you can kiss foosball fucking goodbye.
If any are lucky to survive the boom, there might be 100 or so left on Earth to maybe still play the game?
So much for senior singles and doubles!

Master Jedi

Edited by user Wednesday, May 16, 2018 2:57:52 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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