(The beginning)
Long ago during the fall before a winter snow
There is a state of Colorado foosball
and a story of a Northern semi-pro
He was an Expert in his beginning
and a Rookie he never became
The Amateurs he always beat a lot
to him they all rank the same
He is a player among players
unlike any player you have ever seen
He is a native Indian from Colorado
and he plays smart hard and keen
But little did players know
they would be contending with one of the best
To battle this Northern player called Jedi
he is quite a unique player from the rest
October 2000 begins his story
and how he got his name
He played a challenger a hundred blindfolded
and smashed him 5-3 in the game
The challenger cried out! " I have been cheated"
as the blindfolded pro reached for the cash
So the challenger first grabbed it
and said, " you can't have it"
Bouncer then took it
and kicked him out on his ass
So the moral of this blind challenge if you can see it
is never renege on a bet
Especially in an Irish bar with a blind pro player
that blocked and scored five points in the net
In secret two men watching nicknamed him Jedi
his game was lighting quick
The name it fit him perfectly
right down to his mind tricks
Then later he heard of a player named Jedi
and his game was mighty quick
he shoots pulls and pushes and can block anything
even shoots a mean goalie push kick
He looked for this player around here and there
but no Jedi was never insight
Then December eleventh he was told
that he was known as the Jedi Knight
So he took the name and adopted it well
players knew him as The Jedi indeed
It didn't matter to them in the North
because he always took the lead
(The calm before the first storm)
Then a span of three years where Jedi was born
a local tournament scene came to be
Players came from all over the state
to pay the five dollar entry fee
The weeks and months passed on by
and the scene lasted somewhat two years
The Jedi was owning the Northern players
he was dishing out brutal fear
And later in time as months went by
there was held a NoCo Classic Event
The mother event of this city location
where players from all over were sent
The event was huge and the tables were packed
and the patrons whispered," what is this"?
Oh it's just a game that we all play
and it works with the snap of the wrist
Then later that year the location was done
the arena had closed and died
Jedi marked his first dominate stand
that continued into the year of 0 five
(The Storm of the Jedi this way comes)
No arenas were held in the North at this time
untill spring of 0 five that same year
A location opened called the Study Hall
where Jedi beat down players to tears
For months and months he hammered this arena
just as he did in the past
Untill October Friday the 13th came around
and Jedi was kicked from the hall at last
But that was ok as he went home
as they thought that he went mad
But of course they would resort to cheating my match
as they threw him under the bus to look bad
So as rumors and gossip would have it
players cried their guts on the net
They bantered and dissed the Jedi daily
and said " Jedi will return I bet"
Ten weeks had past by as he stayed at peace
he then trained to a higher degree
Then they called for him to return to the hall
" The Return of the Jedi" you'll be
Now Jedi had waited for his return to come
for he knew it way in advance
The tournament called "Return of the Jedi"
he won it like a book of romance
The trophy was engraved January 19 of 06
the first tournament for him for that year
Then a few months later the location had closed
no more foosball and partying there
So as time went on by the North became Barren
no tournaments never came abound
Because the Force of the North put a curse on the land
no more battles in Jedi's home town
(JediR.O.T.N.'s Storm adds a turn to the tide)
Then grand news rang out of a location in the North
pass it on for all players to know
The North is on fire and active again
to fort Collins we all go
Then lo and behold as fate would have it
his other name would come fourth
Jedi was given the last name R.O.T.N.
that crowned him Ruler of the North
He had played the game a lifetime
dominated the North with an iron fist
Players lost to his wayside table
all they had left was to banter and diss
So Jedi pounded revenge everywhere
his game had a new flair and twist
He call's it "The Jedi freestyle"
the new style of the iron fist
Now the North had these Jedi hater's
that planned to snake is crown someday
So they schemed a R.O.T.N. points race tourney
to scam his crown title away
Then October of 06 the points race began
it Drew players from near and far
It was set to run eleven weeks
on four tables at a Pitchers bar
Now October rolled by and four Sundays have past
who for now is the number one seed
It just so happens to be, YEP yours truly
The JediR.O.T.N. has taken the lead
And November didn't fare good for others
as the Jedi hammered the wins away
Then the hater's then realized way to late
that the R.O.T.N. won the cart horse and hay
I have clinch the race early Roar Jedi with Glee
I won on the 9th week before 11
What did you all expect would happen
I'm the ruler of the north 24/7
But those that conspired said hold on one minute
we are adding one more week to the rounds
We will put the top 10 in one last singles event
then you all battle it out for the crown
Now what is this said Jedi with steam
I won the points race early sealed and wrapped
Now I see this was a hidden ploy
to steal my crown in a trap
The 9th week was written
now history in the past
Jedi won the points series early
then wondered who in the end would be last
So once again he ruled the North
he proved to them he was their best
So dumb they changed it to a qualify tourney
to give second chances for the rest
Now although The Jedi won the race early
they all still continued to play
And players bitched he was their ruler
as all were filled with hatred and dismay
Again and again Jedi pounded the North
he was dominating a consistent pace
Against the players in the North
JediROTN was there player Ace
And sometime later the arena went South
there were no tourney's this time to be
They were forced to play at the trail head Tavern
in hopes of better location will open, will see!
( The eye of an Oracle)
Now no one ever knew Jedi had visional powers
like a wizard with a crystal ball
He would rule the North and sit on his throne
and preach visions on the forum to them all
He would preach that
He would prophesied this
his Visions would always unfold
Even without a prophetic Miss
to the jediROTN this power was gold
So the Trail Head became the place to go
as it was the lowest times of the North
Jedi had the powers of visions alright
but he dreamed he could teleport
Then one day a bright light turned on
a bright vision deep in his head
"We will all return to the location we started
a new beginning at Pitchers" he said
As visions would have it Jedi's prophecy unfolded
they all returned to where they started
Back to Pitchers for another run
then The Ruler of the North came and departed
So off and on he returned to the North
where he dominated the Northern scene
The players would enter and realized real early
he played smart hard and keen
( Jedi's rebirth from ashes of the Phoenix)
In June of 09 a fall had happened
Jedi was hurt in the right shoulder torn bad
He was forced to time out to compete in the north
and it layed him in bed with a pad
Then four months later the last of September
he got great news from his doctor
We are going to fix you by surgery
so you can still play Table Soccer
The first day of October they fixed Jedi up
his shoulder was sore and tweaked
He got on the table and said to himself
"I think I will play Pitchers next week
And lo and behold Jedi played in the North
as he returned back to the scene
His arm was rehealing and it was revealing
he still played smart hard and keen
The year of 09 it was close to an end
Pitchers was almost officially done
Another year of Jedi dominace
that's four locations in the run
(The last arena of the North)
Now needless to say the north was not done
a new arena popped up from the blue
Just like someone in a birthday cake pops out
and says happy birthday to you
The name of this arena was called Road 34
and was a bicycle shop and bar
So Jedi owned this last arena
and showed the state he is their Northern Star
This arena was on week after week
players came from all around
JediROTN made sure that no one forgot
this was his dominant winning ground
Now here it was in the year 2010
the arena had lasted so long
But just like all the other locations
the TD and tables were gone
Now history was made in the last ten years
and the North arena's came no more
Never again will a location will be
no more tables or players no more
(Jedi's end of a new beginning)
It came to pass that I Ruled all the North
players couldn't take me down at their best
So now I'm known as a legend of the North
where I owned the best of the rest
But in this story my legend continues
The JEDIROTN marches to the south land
Where I enter a winter Fireball tourney
as I March over the southern sand
So never forget where this story began
as it continues on through time
It's just a story of a player named Jedi
as I Ruled the North with reason and rhyme
David Jedi Miller
Edited by user Tuesday, September 25, 2018 6:09:18 AM(UTC)
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